Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fresh Update of Lehar (BB-20) by 7 pm IST Sunday

Next Week (Tuesday 26th), rain expected in Pune and Ghats regions. Mahableshwar will get Showers.

Sunday 24th: Partly cloudy with warm NE winds. Day temperature around 32c. Evenings NW winds.
Monday 25th: Partly cloudy with ENE winds. Days warmer at 32/33c.
Tuesday 26th/Wednesday 27th: Cloudy and getting mostly cloudy. Rise in night temperatures to 23/24c. 
Thundery developments over the Eastern skies. Eastern outer townships get thunder clouds with light rains.

Pune: Sunday 24 th and Monday 25th will partly clouded with light to medium clouds. Rise in night temperatures to 15/16c.
Tuesday 26th evening can see a thunder shower with cool breeze during rains. 

Mahableshwar holidayers can expect coudy Monday, and cool foggy Tuesday with thunder showers. 

Lonavala can get the evening shower on Tuesday.

BB-20, steaming ahead ! A depression and expected to move NW....track estimation will be put up here on Sunday evening ( 7 pm)...also, 
Chennai will get major rains from an effective Easterly wave from the 2nd of December, more than what it would have got from the systems...more tomorrow.


Dattaraj said...

Some areas of Hyderabad received moderate to heavy showers (upto) 25mm

Rajesh said...

Dattaraj: so estimate was ok :-)

Unknown said...

any outside chance of the latest LOW
bb-20 affecting orissa/ WB ?

Abhijit Modak said...

@ SSET. Good news for you.. :) Sudden massive rain lashes Bangalore !! Recorded 106 mms till 11.30pm today. And that too fallen in just few hrs !!

Krishna said...

Watching another system depriving TN and heading to AP/Orissa...


Unknown said...

The next low in bay' will also travel AP/ orrisa for sure so TN will be dry next week with some drizzles. look's like monsoon should end by december end in chennai

sset said...

correct. All models suggest LEHAR to follow same track as its predecessors HELAN,PHALIAN - North AP-Orissa. This has been noticed in past any lows during start of NEM - same path is followed for the rest -- affinity is more. Bad..bad drought for TN - 3rd successive drought year..NEM..coming to an end... Point to note is ORISSA always remained sweet spot for SWM and NEM.

Unknown said...

Rainfall recorded in some of the maharashtra cities ending at 8:30 am Today.
Nanded -32 mm
Parbhani -6.2 mm

Unknown said...

hurrah, clouds have come , on spot prediction hahahhaahaha

sset said...

yes abhijitji - rains were badly required for BANG. SayTrees group planted tree saplings along dried lake bed- for water depending on expensive tankers (most of BANG lakes are dried up) - this rain was very much welcome.

Dattaraj said...

That's right Rajesh Sir..


Hrishikesh said...

clouds in eastern skies of mumbai!!!!

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...