Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Overnight Rains in Muscat..See report and Pics on Inter Active Page
Posted Thursday Night:

Severe Cyclone Helen, moved slowly WNW, and was centred at 16N and 82.9E. Winds at 55 knts maintaining its status.
Expected to cross Guntur/Krishna Districts of AP coast on Friday afternoon.

Exactly as per our Sunday Night Post, a new Low forms in the Southern Bay on the estimated date, 21st, and BB-19 strikes coast on 22nd ( but as a severe cyclone, not WML as predicted). 
More on BB-19 and details of the new Low in tomorrow's post ( by 3 pm IST).

Thursday was a rainy day in the UAE. Pleasant weather and frequent rains with hails was prevelent in the day.
Al Ain AirPort received 25 mms of rain, and Abu Dhabi got 11 mms. Sharjah measured 7 mms.
Dubai saw a high temperature of 31c on Thursday.

In Oman, Qumaira got heavy rains and hails, recording 39 mms. Muscat too was cloudy with occasional rain, recording a high of 28c.Jabal Shams in the mountains recorded a high of 11.5c.
Some pics from Oman:

See Super Pic of Comet Ison on Space News Page..

A Western Disturbance is expected to bring good precipitation to the UAE and Oman from Thursday, 21st.
Dubai will get cool wet weather this weekend, with a cold and rainy day on Friday. 
Showers expected in Muscat also.

Rains for Pakistan:
The WD moves East initially. Northern Pakistan can expect precipitation from this system on Friday and Saturday.
Coastal regions and Sindh can get some showers on Friday and Saturday. Friday will be cool and cloudy in Hyderabad (Sindh) and Sukkar and Nawabshah.

Due to BB-19, I would expect the WD to move NE into Kashmir, and Northern hills of India.


Unknown said...

wow dubai will be cool this week

Unknown said...

deadly cyclone is aproaching chennai be careful

sset said...

TN is deficient in rain for a very large percent. Requires immediate rains. Current low is anyway out of TN reach, again seems to move away from AP towards Orissa!! which is again bad news for drought hit SE India...

Abhijit Modak said...

As was expected min temp have further taken dip here , so some Maharashtra cities min temp below for today :

Nashik 9.8c
Nagpur 11.1c
Pune 11.7c
Akola & Aurangabad 12.4c
Solapur 13.6c
Mumbai(SCZ) 17.6c
Ratnagiri 17.7c
Panji, Goa 19.2c

So Mumbai experiencing first chilly morning for current winter season..

Some IMD AWS min temp for today :

Karjat 15.5c
Palghar 15.9c

Krishna said...

Really waste of rain to already soaked AP coast.....

May pray god to weaken as a depression and head SW atleast some rain to north TN

There seems to be a feature now a days most of the lows are evading TN coast

Unknown said...

wow hails from oman congrat's .heeeeee heeeeee

Abhijit Modak said...

Some Maharashtra cities min temp below for today(22-11-2013) :

Nashik 10.7c
Pune 11.0c
Aurangabad 12.7c
Nagpur 12.8c
Akola 13.0c
Solapur 15.1c
Ratnagiri 18.0c
Panji, Goa 18.7c
Mumbai(SCZ) 19.2c

Some around Mumbai AWS min temp for today :

Karjat 15.5c
Palghar 16.3c

Abhijit Modak said...

Vishakhapatnam recorded massive 106 mms rain ending 8.30am today(22-11-2013).

Kakinada recorded 25mms rain ending 8.30am today

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...