Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Posted Tuesday 18th Afternoon:

The Well Marked Low (998 mb)  has produced clouding and rainfall in Gujarat...
Diu 44 mms, Veraval 25 mms, Okha 13 mms, Porbanadar 10 mms, Rajkot 9 mms, as on 18th morning.

West Coast off shore trough expected to take proper shape next few days.
The Low in the Bay expected around 21st..and track to be monitored. Could be studied if the Monsoon axis takes shape by then.
{Interior Maharashtra may not get the Monsoon rains before 23rd June...Sowing intimation as given in messages for Marathwada. Hold on sowing (Marathwada) till at least next intimation on 21st.}

Showers, occasional (infrequent and irregular) expected in Mumbai next 2 days as the Monsoon is expected to show a feeble progress Northwards towards Konkan.

No major changes in Pune weather next few days.

After Wednesday19th, days expected to get hot in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. Rising over 42/43c again.

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Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...