Orange city Nagpur was lashed by heavy Thunderstorm Rain today day time. As recorded massive 265 mms rainfall till 5.30 pm in past 9 hrs (in that recorded 263 mms in just 6 hrs).
Also if we look day wise, Nagpur received 319 mms rainfall from 3am to 3pm in 12 hrs !
Yesterday Maharashtra Ghats section received heavy rains
Below is rainfall details in map format:
Map by Vagarian Tejas & Data compiled by Vagarian Abhijit
Some more Maharashtra Ghats rainfall in mms for past 24 hrs ending 8.30 am on 06-07-18:
Walwan, Mahabaleshwar 266
Chatav, Ratnagiri 263
Tamhini 230
Shirgaon ghat 210
Jor, Satara 202
Dungarwadi 200
Tapola, Mahabaleshwar 195
Talwat, Dodamarg 188
Dodamarg, Sindhudurg 174
Gavase, Kolhapur 160
Few inputs helped by Vagarian Shivkumar
Extreme rains over Nagpur - Is it due to mid tropospheric cyclone ? / jet-streams?
Entire MAHA is over excess zone. Rains may soon reach GUJ/RAJ. Lucky state blessed by fertile soil, highest forest area, highest tree cover, highest number of fruits/horticulture produce, good stable government which aims at better infrastructure. Guess coming years only MAHA will be most livable state with all resources. Maharashtra is definitely showing increased extreme rains for past 10 years. Last 5 years none of stations from coastal Karnataka, Kerala are in top 10 rains spots (SWM period). SE India (TN, south AP) is in high risk of desertification. How much it is true I do not know el-nino can save TN/south AP - el-nino period NEM is better? Early exit of SWM may be required.
As Maharashtra encounters cold and torrential rains, other side heat wave in land of polar/grizzly bears - Canada - 35c !
Heavy thunderstorm and rain in Andheri East mumbai
Badlapur, Kalyan train services stopped - torrential downpours looks like Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Thane - dump of 200mm !
For all bird lovers... Mumbai has largest number of gentle sparrows - indicates huge trees!
Mumbai historical and iconic Byculla zoo - botanical wonder... is only zoo in India to have Antarctica Penguins. Delightful news is we are expecting baby penguin... egg belongs to Mr.Molt and Mrs.Flipper (penguins)...
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