Monday, July 16, 2018

Posted 16th July afternoon


Abhijit Modak said...

Cochin recorded massive 231 mms rainfall ending 8.30am today & with min temp of 21.2c

All time record of July month for Cochin was 181.1 mm on 24 July 1969. So that record is broken today !!

Also fact is that Cochin hardly sees century in July, as in past 10 yrs only one century in 2009 had been recorded with 114 mms and now has got double century with new record set for July month.

Salim Ramani , Jabalpur said...

Rajesh Sir

What is your views about Jabalpur , continue deficient this year ,


Rajesh said...

Salim: Jabalpur will get some increase in rains on Tuesday and Wednesday from the BB-4 system. But overall, deficient for some time till we see another system.

Sarvesh said...

Barvi Dam filled 83 percent, Modak sagar, Vihar & Tulsi filled 100 percent, Tansa filled 92 percent, Bhatsa filled 63 percent.
Massive rains in lake area last 3 days

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...