Tuesday, August 02, 2016

And now, Pune gets the rains they have been waiting for !..40 mms overnight rain with another 29 mms in the day on Wednesday. Keeping the day cool at 24.9c and nights Low at 21.4c...
Aurangabad received 48 mms overnight. 

Posted Wednesday Morning:
The king of Maharashtra Lamaj gets 490.7 mm. as on Wednesday 3rd Morning....This is the highest 24 hrs rainfall in Maharashtra in 2016 beating the 410 mm of Thamini on 2nd July.Pradeep John Reports
More details of Nashik District Rainfall on Mumbai Page
Map from Tejas

Nasik  broken the all time 24hrs highest rainfall for Aug month of 168mm which was recorded in Aug 1968 !!
Seasonal total stands on 820mm till 8.30pm.. 
With this crossed annual normal average of 680mm !! (Abhijit reports)

The all time record for august was on 6th August 1968 - 168 mm. This is broken. The all time record for any month for Nasik was recorded on 2nd July 1941 - 215 mm.This record is going to be broken today as we have 12 more hours till tomorrow 8.30 am.

Maharashtra continues to get extreme rainfall in catchment areas of Krishna and Godavari rivers. The rainfall in Maharashtra in last 24 hrs with cutoff as 200 mm. From Pradeep....

Thane recorded 210 mms till 1st Morning and 108 mms till 2nd Morning.
Mahableshwar measured 390 mms overnight and 212 mms again on Tuesday in the day.


Unknown said...

Rajesh sir,as from now rain is going to reduce gradually.But,I demand that you please post your views for konkan and mumbai region in the second half of your season?will it be surplus or deficient?Let it be tentative but let us know your views regarding our region or the other parts in aug-sep-oct.please sir reply according to my expectations.Thanks in advance.

NilaY Wankawala said...

Readers here are blessed with genuine rainfall figures being reported as promptly as it could be done. Appreciating efforts of all involved in data compilation, reporting and taking great effort to make this blog leader in authencity timeliness and usefulness.

Srivathsa said...

Mumbai lakes and change vs last week in brackets

Bhatsa 869/942 (+191)
Middle Vaitarna - 183/195 (+62)
Upper Vaitarna 283/331 (+76)
Modak Sagar 129/129 (+39)
Tansa 144/145 (+36)
Vihar 28/28 (+9)
Tulshi 8/8 (0)

Approximately 413,000 million litres added since last week. Or about 120 days of supply.

Evewrest said...

Mahabaleshwar cranking it out now. 410mm for today. But the rainfall figures have seriously gone down for the past few days on the west coast south of Goa. No sign of the west coast trough extending all the way down to Kerala in the coming days. Don't know how long this is going to last.

sset said...

Not only has Pradeep compiled rainfall data for Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Thane suburbs but also MAHA areas... with great precision.
Bridge collapses on Mumbai-Goa highway - monstrous rains....

When will monsoon revive over KAR, Kerala (coastal areas are in dry state) guess this is first time rains have eluded for such a long duration? southern TN some areas touch 40c... long wait for NEM..

Paresh said...

Totally agree with what Nilay has said. Nowhere do we come across figures given with this accuracy and speed (whether offline or on the web). Have always wondered why should this be so (in the age of technology)... why should we rely on newspaper-printed forecasts alone. Hence, appreciate Vagaries a lot and no wonder then, that since a few years it's become my daily site to visit (especially during the monsoons).

sset said...

Nasik gets dump of another 200mm! - taking total to 1000mm. Guess this is weird natures pattern.

sset said...

very weak monsoon over coastal KAR / KERALA. Augumbe defecit crosses -1000mm mark day by day increasing- cauvery (lifeline for south) is a big question?

Evewrest said...

I haven't seen the rainfall figures for stations the ghat areas in Karnataka and northern Kerala. But my gut feel looking at Agumbe and Wayanad is that these areas have seen a reduced rainfall.

sset: Agumbe is in the Krishna basin. Cauvery basin extends south of Mudigere and Chickmagluru. Your concern is not unfounded in that any rain deficit in the ghats south of Mudigere up to the Nilgiris can potentially lead to a shortage in the Cauvery basin. However, the overall monsoon deficit till yesterday for Cauvery basin was only 12% as per IMD. So, I'm guessing the other areas in the Cauvery basin (the Deccan plateau and Tamil Nadu plains part) are doing relatively fine.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...