Saturday, May 15, 2021

 Posted 15th May 1 pm:

Complicated and Unusual Imagery of Cyclone..Like Not seen by me in last 5 decades.

Track expected maintained as yesterday, along coast and then N/NW on reaching 15N..Heading towards Kutch crossing near Okha.

Due to the reasons explained in below post (at 11.30 pm 14th) (VWS , upper divergence in SW etc), The Cyclone will track more away from the coast and head towards Okha.. Hence coastal precipitation along Maharashtra and South Gujarat coast will be less than expected .

Mumbai: Windy weather from Saturday Evening through Monday ...35-50 kmph. The Cyclone will move away from Mumbai when by passing. Hence reduced (than expected earlier) amounts of rain on Sunday and Monday.

Pune: Very windy , but light rains , except some isolated moderate falls on Saturday/Sunday and Monday.
Heavy thunder showers on Friday night (Total Rainfall from March:Mapusa 90 mms, 84mms in Ela old. Sanguem 78  mms, 68 mms  Margao & Mormugao, , Quepem 60 mms,Canacona 53 mms, Panaji 33 mms) 
Showers windy (40 kmph) also on Saturday , ( avg 50 mms) Winds and rains reducing from sunday evening/Monday.


sset said...

AS becomes hotspot for cyclones due to raise in SST (sea temperature).
AS overtakes Bay - infact Bay becoming cooler.
GUJ / MAHA again become sweet spots for extreme rains as AS cyclones/ systems increase and east coast SE India becomes drier...
MAHA / GUJ always lucky as they benefit from both AS as well as Bay systems.

Momin Photographics Udupi said...

Heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorm in Bhatkal.

The avg max temp of Pune Shivajinagar in first half of feb (1-14feb) this year is highest at least since last 10 years Avg. Max t...