Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Posted 2nd June Tuesday Evening:

AS-1 achieved the Cyclone status in the afternoon as the winds touched 60-70 kmph and the Cyclone "Nisarga" is locates in the evening 290 kms WNW off Panaji and 380 kms SSW off Mumbai.

Expected to cross coast between 19N and 20N in Raigadh or Palgarh District of Maharashtra. 
As people ask, the exact point of crossing cannot be determined...as it does not run on a fixed railway track..but approximation is given.

Mumbai Radar shows max reflectivity in the 30-34 dbz range, so no thunder/lightning. Mumbai: Showers have commenced in Mumbai on Tuesday afternoon.
Cyclone "Nisarga" has formed with estimated winds at 60-70 kmph at the centre. The outer periphery is having winds at around 40-60 kmph. To understand, if the outer circle passes thru Mumbai, City will have winds around 60-80 kmph. That is strong and gusty. (Kolkata cyclone had winds exceeding 150-160 kmph). Strong winds tonight and on Wednesday with heavy persistent showers.

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