Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Posted 6th June Night:

The off shore trough along west coast has strengthened, and is getting active. The estimated Low (AS-4) may form earlier than the predicted date of 8th June. We already see a embedded "Formation " in the trough. See the wind chart of 6th June with isobars drawn on it...

 This Low will deepen in position and form a vortex/deep Low off the South Konkan coast.

These develpoments will be strengthened (along the west coast) as the isobars get concised and closer, very strong winds likely along Coastal Karnataka and Maharashtra coast  in 2 days. 
Under these conditions, and strong SW winds, South West Monsoon expected to move coastal Karnataka /Goa by 7th June Thursday.
SWM will also advance in Telengana and rest of Karnataka.

For Mumbai:

Thursday: Chance of a Thunder Shower in the evening in some parts.
Friday: Cloudy and we see the rain intensity increasing from evening/night.

Saturday: Rain thunder showers in the day with strong gusty winds. Rainfall amount expected from Saturday morning-Sunday morning 24 hrs around 75/95 mms.

Sunday : Intermittent rains and strong winds. Frequent showers will be heavy with flooding in some areas. Rains amount expected from Sunday-morning-Monday morning 24 hrs about 110/130  mms.

Pune will get heavy showers on Sunday...Sunday will be cool with the max at 26c...

South Konkan and Goa towns will receive 150-200 mms rains on Saturday.

Monitoring the situation, Another Note on the same will be put up here  on 7th June Thursday at 1 pm IST


Rohit Aroskar said...
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Blogger said...

What about North Gujarat South Gujarat and Saurashtra region?

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...