Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Posted Monday 30th Night: 

Cold conditions prevailed in the North Sub -Continent, as mentioned in the article below.
Besides, across the border too, Monday morning temperatures dipped. Islamabad AP fell to -1.0c and Islamabad ZP dropped to -2.7c.Lahore AP was at 0.4c. Karachi was cold at 6.5c and Nawabshah at 2.5c was a bit better after Saturday's 1c.
Kathmandu froze at 0.5c.

Synopsis of Monday 30th:
Rains were reported on Monday 30th, in the vertical strip in North India stretching Southwards roughly from Dehra Dun into Central MP.
An upper air WD ( 700 hpa-500hpa) has moved over Punjab region. The SE and Eastern quadrant of the system id deeper, with resultant SW winds at upper level blowing at 40 knts in the mentioned segment. SW winds at 10000-18000 feet were perfect for cloud condensation, with the already low temperatures. Rising to 18000 feet resulted in thunder cloud formations.

Cold Wave abating  a bit in the start of 2014...
Tuesday 31st, rainfall will occur in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi NCR and adjoining West UP. Also, some Northern regions of MP will get showers. Cloudiness will prevail over the Northern bordering Mah. areas.

Delhi NCR will be partly cloudy and hazy on Tuesday, with showers in some areas. Day will be around 18/19c and Tuesday night will be around 10c. Skies start clearing from New Years Day, and Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd morning will be foggy and cooler at 5/6c.

Mumbai will be partly cloudy, and around 28/29c on the last day of 2013. 31st night  maybe less cooler than the few preceding nights, at 19c in the suburbs and 21c at Colaba.
New Years Day will be hazy, and warm at 30c, but getting warmer at 31c on the 2nd day of January. Nights are expected to hover around 18/19c at Scruz and 20c in South Mumbai till the end of the week.
Outer townships too, will be partly cloudy and "warmish" compared to the previous week on 31st night.
Pune will be sunny, and 31st Night will be pleasant at 13c.. first week of 2014 will be  between 30c and 13/14c.

What's in store of a Long Range Forecast for 1st Half of January 2014 ?

An Easterly wave has formed east-west along the 8N line. An embedded UAC will form in the trough, and move WNW. It will gradually become well marked (BB-1), and move into Southern most TN and Kerala by around 4th January. Chennai will be cloudy, with some showers by Friday.
Another system (BB-2) may march westwards and cross the TN coast around 13th January.

Another western disturbance, J-1, moves into Kashmir and HP around the 7th. Since the Upper air trough will slant eastwards, this system will bring negligible rains west of Delhi (including Pakistan). This system will precipitate rains most probably along UP and the Eastern states of Bihar and then Bengal (including Kolkata) around the 8th/9th.
J-1 is expected to bring good rains to Nepal.

J-2 will be more effective and strong, and will bring good precipitations to entire Pakistan (upto Karachi) and move into India. This will be around 13th January by rough and approximate calculations.

A well compiled video by Santosh Subramanian of Major Weather Events of 2013 is made for Vagaries. The Video is worth watching , and can be seen here. 

On Inter active Page, Abhijit Modak's Private Observation of Badlapur Weather , 2013


Neeraj said...

Coldest morning of this winter in Kathmandu yesterday, as reported, at 0.5 C. Suburbs and outskirts are even colder - a place i visited yesterday in the southeast of the city reporting thick frost in the morning - not melting till 10 AM or so. Don't know the exact min temp there but should be a few notches below freezing.
Day's high at around 17 C is keeping things warm for the day though.

Arpit Sharma said...

Rainfall in two important stations
of Delhi in 2013 as per my records...
New Delhi Safdarjung- 1113.9 mm
New Delhi Palam- 775.1 mm

Jan-May=158.3 mm
Jun-Sep=875.8 mm
Oct-Dec=79.8 mm

Jan-May=136.5 mm
Jun-Sep=583.1 mm
Oct-Dec=55.5 mm

Abhijit Modak said...

Mumbai max temp for today : Colaba 26.2°C , Santacruz 28.2°C

So lowest max temp for Dec 2013 on last day 31st Dec in Mumbai today.

Hrishikesh said...

Mumbai weather getting weirder max temps dropping min rising

Rajesh said...

Hrishikes: Expected with cloudy weather..

From Santosh Subramanian:
December Summary of kolkata weather : -

Kolkata (alipur) : -

1. Highest Max temp : - 28.5 C ( 1st dec and 28th dec 2013)
2. Lowest Max temp : - 22.9 C (25th dec 2013)

3. Lowest Min temp : - 13.1 C (27th dec 2013)
4. Highest Min temp : - 19.8 C (24th dec 2013)

Rainfall : Nil

Kolkata (dumdum) : -
1. Highest Max temp : - 30.4 C (17th dec 2013)
2. Lowest Max temp : - 23.0 C (25th dec 2013 )

3. Lowest Min temp : -10.4 C (27th dec 2013 )
4. Highest Min temp : - 17.4 C (3rd dec 2013 )

Rawat said...

Many station in NCR recorded min temp over 11 degree celcius . But some station as low as 3 degree celcius ., why such variation in few km as it was overcast all over NCR

Rajesh said...

Anoop: $c recorded at Sjung and shown as min, was actually recorded at 8.45 am Monday. IMD cuts off time of reading at 8.30 am IST...so the readings after 8.30 am goes into the next day as min...

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...