Tuesday, February 05, 2013

A Possible Naked-eye Comet in March..see here

Details of Sub-Continent Precipitation put up on Vagaries Extreme Blog as records..

The huge effect of F-1 over Pakistan is seen from the high amounts of rain and snow..above 200 mms in some places. 

List given by Wajahat in comments proves the point.A detailed list of record snow is also given in the PWP blog here. It mentions of Jeddah getting 111 mms !
F-1 effects on Dubai and Muscat have already been pictured on vagaries.
Dehra Dun had heavy rains last night, 43 mms, and Musoorie 30 mms...only light snows there....Delhi accumulated 57 mms at Sjung and 30 mms at Palam averaging 44 mms between the 2 stations.

Wednesday F-1 moves away NE, and precipitation decreases from Wednesday afternoon...mild precipitation effect till Wednesday afternoon in Utterakhand, West UP and adjoining NCR and Nepal. Delhi can expect 5-7 mms of rainfall on Wednesday.

On 6th and 7th Feb,N and NW winds pick up in the entire region north of 20N line...hence cold wave in the marked regions. 
In some parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, MP and North Mah., night temperatures may dip by 5/6c from current levels.
Within Next 3 nights, likely to reach 7c in North Mah, Gujarat, 4c in Kutch and Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.

Cold coditions will cover Sindh and Northern plains of Pakistan. Nights will drop to 3c in Sindh and Balochistan plains, and 4/5c in Northern plains. 
Karachi can drop to 11c, Hyderabad (Pak) will drop to 11c and Sukkur will go to 6c. 
Kathmandu will get a shower on Wednesday, and then clear weather, Night will be 5c till Friday. Expect colder night on Saturday...

But, South Mah (Pune/Solapur and Vid ) may not get the full effect as a weak low forms over the region on the 6th and 7th.
Some isolated rains may occur in S.Mah(interior), Vidarbh (including Nagpur) and adjoining N.I.Karnataka (including Bangalore) and Vid next 2 days.

City Forecasts for Wed/Thursday and Friday: Next 3 days...weekend forecast will be put up later.

Delhi NCR, rains clearing from Wednesday afternoon. Next 2 nights dropping to 7/8c as cold North winds pick up.Fog on 7th and 8th morning.

Pune will be partly cloudy from Thursday, and temperatures will remain in the 31 - 13c range. Light rain in some parts of vicinity on Thursday/Friday.

Surat: Clear, with North winds cooling down the day temperatures by 2c to around 27/28c.. Nights likely to go down to 13c.

Mumbai City: Clear skies and N/NW winds will be cold and dry. Wednesday and Thursday will see a drop in temperatures will be bringing down the range to 28/29c in the day and maybe 15c at night at Scruz.

Snow Covers most of Britain..all from London to Scotland...superb sat image...See International Page


Memories of the Past said...

Updated Rainfall figures (Pakistan) uptill now from this Western Disturbance:
Rawalakot 219 mm
Saidu Sharif 212 mm
Abbottabad 209 mm
Cherat 184 mm
Rawalpindi 174 mm
Islamabad 172 mm
Risalpur 168 mm
Garhi Dupatta 167 mm
Lower Dir 149 mm
Pattan 134 mm
Muzaffarabad 130 mm
Chakwal 129 mm
Mangla 117 mm

Chief Snowfall amounts (Pakistan):
Malam Jabba 10 Feet (120 Inch)
Kalam 6 Feet (72 Inch)
Murree, Parachinar & Skardu 2 feet (24 Inch)

sset said...

Rajesh/Sam Khan-> My Apologies- I have still not received response.

Are WD cause for failure of NE monsoons? Severe drought over TN,entire SE KAR, Rayalseema. IF NOT what caused failure of NE monsoons - weak currents fail to reach above 10deg latitude.

Neeraj said...

Just 1.8 mm in Kathmandu. One more day of rain to go (my guess); lets see how much we get.

Anonymous said...

Delhi and Lucknow both got around 6 cms of rain. It would be higher in the hills.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Its a record breaking downpour in delhi,46mm such a lot of rain in 24 hrs.

Rajesh said...

Some are jumping to a conclusion of rain in North Konkan next week...may happen or not...before that,i suggest that we, as based in the sub continent region, first must study the regional possibilities. That is whether the favourable winds and conditions develop, with positive contour and trough formations..and then fix our estimate and possibilities..then, if we are wrong..vagaries of the weather :-)

Unknown said...

yup.u'r right sir.

Abhijit Modak said...

Yes. Very correct Sir will try to study regional possibilities first. Today min temp not drop as per expectation here in Badlapur. Was expecting around 13c as yesterday's max temp was 27.5c but actual min temp was 15.3c today morning here.

Abhijit Modak said...

Also looking like max temp will again rise
to around 33c from Saturday onwards
here !

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...