Wednesday, April 12, 2023

12th posting

Mild Alert ⚠️ 

Moderate rain or thundershowers ⛈ with hail and winds expected on 13th/14th/15th in Maharastra Districts of



3. Sambhajinagar 

4. Jalgaon 


sanjeev Gokhale said...

Rajesh sir, don't you feel that climate in last few years is different as compared to many average years earlier. Unseasonal rain in Maharashtra seen every year now. Hot February, cold second half of March. Now unbearable April.
In old days I don't remember unseasonal rain except in crismas. Or now news are available so fast and even earlier it was same but we were unaware.
I mean your very long experience and weather study suggest that pattern of climate has changed over perid of time?
Or its usual vagaries of weather? Please throw some light. Thank you.

Rajesh said...

Yours is the most FAQ this year to me. Now tell me, April rains in Maharashtra are they unusual ?
If you go thru our earliest Monsoon Watch articles, we always mention the LWD in Central Peninsula thru Maharashtra. It is a regular common feature,and must form to induct moisture inland.
April rains of around 30 mms are normal in Madhya Maharashtra.

This year,Trough in westerlies from 500 to 200 hPa (WD)is developing upper level low convergence triggering cumulus CB formation growth.
But several WD are dipping South and interacting.Thus, rains are less in Interior Karnataka.

Similar situation was seen in the year 2000,1983 and early 70s.
But could delay onset of SWM...

sanjeev Gokhale said...

Thank you sir for your prompt reply. In fact I am following vagaries since last 10 years and fan of you and your team.
I have noticed that this year there is remarkable reduction in questios from other readers.
Your answers are always to the point and perfect. Thank you once again. Will be waiting to read next monsoon watch.

Rajesh said...

Comments have reduced after the interaction on the Vagaries Whatts App group.
Let me know if u want to join.
Give me your number here..won't publish it.

Rajesh said...

Our Twitter Hanley is also part reason for lesser comments

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