Friday, July 31, 2020

Posted Friday 31st July:
  • With the month ending, Mumbai total for the season stands at 1898 mms at Scruz and 1754 mm s at Colaba.
In comparison lakes total are much less than City:
Vaitarna (U) 822mms, Modak Sagar 800 mms, Tansa 752 mms, Vaitarna (M) 1031 ms, Bhatsa 1082 mms,Vihar 1547 mms, Tulsi 1924 mms.

  • 34.49%
    Combined live storage across all lakes compared to 82% same time last year. 499199 million litres - Live storage as at 6 am 31 Jul 2020. [Annual requirement: 1,447,363 million litres, Total capacity: 1,778,000 million litres].
  • 130
    Number of days of supply left in all lakes combined (@ 3,800 million litres BMC supplies to city each day).
  • Last Modified: 31-Jul-2020 5:49 AM

Mumbai: substantial increase in rainfall from Sunday 2nd August. A wet spell is expected Sunday 2nd thru Wednesday 5th August.
However, the lakes may still remain deficient as the rains there will be less.
Initially heavy rains restricted to Coastal Belt in Konkan till Tuesday. Then moving to Nasik/Pune Regions.
Pune: expecting few showers in parts of city this weekend. But increase to meaningful rains (Heavy showers) on Monday and Tuesday.

Jabalpur: Will see some increase in rainfall from Monday 3rd for a few days. North M.P. will see good rains this period.
We may see rainfall pattern increasing for East M.P. regions after the 4th of August, when a Low forms in the Head Bay and tracks West into Odisha.
A proper low should form in the Bay around Mid August , finally, to bring good rainfall into Central India and the regions around.


Kartik said...

Hi Rajesh. Will you be publishing the data for the quantum of rainfall across the country for the month of July?

Kaustubh said...
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Rajesh said...

Kaustabh: See last year end of season water was there for a little more than a year supply and a little more. Today, as i have given , we have 130 days supply still. No question of any miscalculation as Vagaries takes from Hydraulic Dept directly.

Kartik: Will be publishing the overall rainfall asap.

Nimish Thaker said...

Thanks for the Weather update Rajeshbhai, what will be the weather like at Shirdi - Kopargaon region this coming week? Will there be heavy rains mid-week? Thank you

Unknown said...

Sir no major update for Pakistan Karachi Sindh why ?

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