A flood of the Century...See here
Kerala Floods and Heavy Rains August 2018....A Meteorological Explanation
Kerala Floods and Heavy Rains August 2018....A Meteorological Explanation
year, the south-west monsoon gives heavy to very heavy rainfall over different
parts of India spanning over the months from June-September. It has been
observed that there is a significant increase in the frequency of very heavy
rainfall events over the Indian landmass in the recent decades. In this year,
the southwest monsoon seasonal rainfall in spite of being -7.7% below normal
till 20 August, there were few episodes of very heavy rainfall in different
parts of the country. This caused floods leading to huge loss of livelihood and
property. The recent case was of “Kerala floods” which was triggered by very
heavy rainfall during the period 14-16th August 2018. From 0300 UTC of
14th August to 0300 UTC of 15th August, the average
rainfall recorded in the state of Kerala as a whole was 130 mm. Another 138 mm
was recorded in the next 24 hours. This was about 10 times higher than the normal.
has been seen that anomalous strong westerlies were prevailing at 850 hPa
between 5°N - 14°N from 14th August onwards (Fig. 1a-1c).
This strong westerly surge was mainly the response of the depression that had
formed over the North Bay of Bengal on 14th August. Also, there was
anomalous moisture transport from the Arabian Sea towards Kerala during this
period (Fig. 1d-1f). This anomalous moisture was seen converging over the
region which led to a rise in the specific humidity. This acted as a fuel for
anomalous high convection. Further, it has been observed that from 14th
August onwards strong divergence at upper levels started building up to the
south-west of Kerala. This triggered the low level convergence near Kerala with
values reaching up to 20 s-1. This area of strong divergence at
upper levels persisted on 15th August and moved close to Kerala,
leading to sustained convergence at lower levels over the region (Fig. 2a-2f).
From Fig. 2g-2i it is evident that the relative vorticity also increased
significantly from 14th August onwards near the Kerala coast with
values reaching up to 40*10-6 s-1 on 15th
August. This large positive relative vorticity along with strong convergence
persisted near the coast of Kerala till the 16th of August providing
favorable conditions for enhanced convection thereby leading to anomalous
increase in rainfall.
this period of heavy rain, Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) was in phase 6. This
was not conducive for enhanced convection over the North Indian Ocean. This
shows that MJO doesn’t seem to have played a role in this episode of heavy
rainfall over Kerala. Thus, initial
analysis suggests that this heavy rainfall maybe a response of local
thermodynamical conditions along with strong westerly surge that transported
large amount of moisture leading to persistent widespread heavy rainfall for
2-3 days.
1: (a-c) Wind anomalies from 14-16th August. Color denote the
magnitude of the wind anomalies. Vectors denote the direction. (d-f) Moisture
flux transport (vectors) and moisture flux convergence/divergence (shading).
Negative values denote convergence and positive values denote divergence.
2: (a-c) Upper level divergence (s-1). Thick contour denotes
divergence, dashed contour denotes convergence. (d-f) Low level convergence (s-1),
thick contour denotes convergence, dashed contour denotes divergence. (g-i)
Relative vorticity (850hPa) s-1. Color denotes the magnitude of
relative vorticity with blue shades as negative relative vorticity and green -
red shades denote positive relative vorticity.
2. Earth System Research
Laboratory Physical Science Division (https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/cgi-bin/data/histdata/fnl.pl?date1=20180816&date2=20180816&days=1&var=Vector+Winds&level=850&type=1&proj=Custom&custproj=Cylindrical+Equidistant&xlat1=0&xlat2=30&xlon1=40&xlon2=100&labelc=Color&labels=Shaded&cint=&lowr=&highr=&scale=&Submit=Create+Plot)
4. Tokyo Climate Center WMO
Regional Climate Center in RA II (Asia) (https://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/clisys/anim/anim_asia.html)
Sir,how d'you expect the UTH and OLR to change over NW/W Rajasthan and adjoining Pakistan in the coming days, as the date of the withdrawal of SW Monsoon draws near?
As always, Thanks for the detailed explanation.
Best technical explanation for Kerala floods! Well done! This needs to conveyed to all research groups (mathematicians,statisticians,geo/met dept,CDAC,IIT,IISC,union environment ministers). Many complex terms which needs to be understood.
IMD predicts heavy rains for Gujarat!
Navi Mumbai torrential downpours since last 2 days! Looks like daily dump of 3 digit rains.
August has been very dry for mumbai.. rains are not coming as per prediction.
Any hope for Rayalseema (Anathapur,Cudpaha,Chittor) no rains since start of SWM (it is worse than Thar desert) - adverse drought.
Even nearby places like Bangalore,Mysore,Mandya,Tumkur,Kolar,Chintamani ... no meaningful rains since june. Many places in Tamil Nadu have received less than 20mm of rain since june - Thootukodi,Adhiramapatnam,pamban no rains... (wait for un-reliable NEM)
Ishan: Withdrawal of Monsoon is indicated..one of the parameters...when the ULR in the region under observation reads more than 290 W/m2. UTH reads below 35% (about).
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