Wednesday, March 20, 2013

21st March One Line Headlines:

M-3 trooping into Dubai and Muscat on 21st...system moves into Pakistan tomorrow with good precipitation expected.
Trough Low now over North MP, and waiting to see its behavior on M-3 arrival.

Great Lakes snow cover on this date last year - 1.1%.  Today? 94.2% ...from Mark Vogan

Cold, Cold, Cold With More Snow For USA ...see Mark's link here     

x----------------------------------x---------------------------------------------x-------------------------------------x---x Synoptic situation as on evening of 20th March: A technical break up and analysis  of events and probabilities. Since vagaries has many a students and enthusiast followers, this would be a typical case for Met students to follow up (if they wish), for this is how things are forecasted...See Current Weather Page.

Proposal to keep our farmers and related communities updated with the Latest on Weather:

In our country, with its agriculture base, the timely announcement of the Monsoon rains and their proper and (as far as possible) accurate forecast, will surely help our farmers.
Timely information of rains will help them plan their sowing and save them the cost of the seeds.
During Monsoons also, they need proper guidance as regards dry or wet spells, or extreme temperatures. Off seasonal rains or extreme weather warnings would also serve in saving standing crops and prevent loss.

Currently, Vagaries is already conveying and is in touch with the Aurangabad (Mah)region farmers. Cmdr Potey conveys vagaries' local forecast to his contacts in Akola region.

Similarly Ashok Patel's forecast is available to everyone including Saurashtra Farmers on , as well as through local New Papers and through phone to selected persons across many villages of Saurashtra. This person then communicates the weather information to farmers of the village.

Seeing the enthusiasm and eagerness, and having faith in our readers,
Vagaries and Ashok Patel's would like to involve weather enthusiasts in communicating with farmers or their representatives.

Weather enthusiasts/Vagarians interested in passing more detailed forecast, other than our published Weather Forecast, of any other States or sub-divisions to  farmers of those areas, may communicate their intention and views through  e mail to Vagaries or Ashok Patel.

When you need detailed  Weather Forecasts of your region or sub-region, you may contact us and get the same. Warnings and information could be passed on through SMS, E mail or by word of mouth to the concerned farming communities.

Weather volunteers should intimate us for any variations between forecast and reality or sudden local developments in their respective regions or sub-regions.

Before implementing our intention we welcome your suggestions and views.


Unknown said...

Rajesh sir
I am a weather enthusiast and following your blogg for last 3 years.please provide weather forecast
of Ujjain Bhopal region.

Rajesh said...

Saeed: Seems you are from fact i have put last two times of rain in Bhopal region..i will update forecast for weekend tomorrow ..may be no rain now, but more rains for central MP after 27/28...

Unknown said...

Rajeshbhai, it is a great initiative. Somehow, despite great patronage to IMD, micro forecasting for local communities is badly lacking. And what better than, our interest and hobby can translate into well being of larger part of society!! ...Potey

Unknown said...

Rajesh sir,Actually I am from Ujjain,a religious place near Indore. I am a doctor by profession and a lot of villagers comes in contact with me. I
used to alert them about the weather
conditions as far as I know.But with your help I can give them more specific tips.

Rajesh said...

Saeed: I welcome your initiative and will surely inter act with you to help the local population to the best of our can mail me your e mail or contact, and i can mail any urgent weather alert as and when..of course it will be up on vagaries also..Thanking You..

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...