Friday, February 03, 2012

Forcasts for Saturday and Sunday Only:

F-1 will be precipitating snow in Kashmir, H.P. and Uttaranchal.Moderate Rains in Punjab and Haryana.Weather clearing and getting colder from Monday in Northern and Western regions.Rains moving to Nepal from Tuesday.Some heavy falls in the east.
Moderate rains in South T.N. on Monday, but heavy in Sri Lanka.

Mumbai: Saturday/Sunday: Clear skies.The North winds mentioned yesterday will gain strength, and lower the temperatures. The current high at S'Cruz is 35c. Sat/Sun will see a drop in the day to 31c and night will be around 15c. Colaba will be in the range of 30c and 19c.

Pune: Saturday/Sunday: Saturday will be slightly warm with a high of 31c. Sunday will be cooler and the day/night temperatures will be 29/10.

Delhi: Saturday/Sunday:Partly cloudy Saturday and clear Sunday. Sunday night/Monday morning will see the re-appearance of fog. Temps will drop from current 22c to 18c in the day and nights from the current 11c,will be at 9c.

Kolkata: Saturday/Sunday:NW winds will keep humidity low at around 45%. Days will be around 24c and nights at 12c.

Bharuch will see the humidity level dropping on Sunday,as compared to Saturday. Day and night will drop a couple of notches on Sunday night.

Karachi: Saturday/Sunday: Cloudy initially.Sunday will be dry (low humidity going down to 20-25%) due to strong North winds.Fall in day and night temperatures.Days will be around 24c and night will drop to 8c.

Sukkar:Saturday/sunday: Saturday will be cloudy with light drizzle,and the range will be 22c and 10c. Sunday will see strong North winda bringing down humidity and temperature to 7c.

See International Page for Mark's blog..Deep Freeze in Europe

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