Friday, January 19, 2024

Extreme cold day conditions, attached is maximum temperature on 19 Jan and its departure from normal 

Haryana on 19 Jan:

Ambala: 11.9c (-6c)

Hissar: 11.8c (-7c)

Rohtak: 12.8c (-7c)

Narnaul: 17c (-2c)

Bhiwani: 11.6c

Gurugram: 11.7c


Amritsar: 12.5 (-5c)

Bhatinda: 12.2c (-8c)

Ludhiana: 9.8c (-7c)

Patiala: 11.4c (-7c)

Pathankot: 11.8c

Ferozepore: 10.9c


Meerut: 11c (-11c)

Jhansi: 10c (-12c)

Agra: 11.8c (-10c)

Hardoi: 12c, (-7c)

Kanpur: 11.8c, (-10c)

Muzaffarnagar: 11.5c, (-7c)

Shahjahanpur: 11c(-8c)

Lucknow: 12.9c (-8c)

Banda: 13.2c

Aligarh: 11.6c

Compiled by Vag Vineet 


Life said...

Hi Rajesh
Query for you.

This is from the recent IMD weather report.

Jet Stream Winds of the order of 130-140 knots at 12.6 km above mean sea level are prevailing over the plains of North India. It is leading to subsidence of cold air and enhancing cold wave/cold day conditions over North India. Similar intensity of Jet Stream is likely to continue during next 2-3 days," said IMD.

Is this not normal for January?

NilaY Wankawala said...

credit Australian Government Bureau of Metereology

Issued Tuesday 23 January 2024

The latest Climate Driver Update and Climate Model Summary are now available on our website.

El Niño ocean warmth past its peak as positive Indian Ocean Dipole nears its end

El Niño continues in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Model forecasts and observations indicate sea surface temperatures in the central tropical Pacific have peaked and are now declining. Sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific are expected to return to neutral El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) levels in the southern hemisphere autumn 2024.
The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is currently positive. It is expected to weaken to neutral levels over the coming fortnight.

The positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event has weakened from the strong values seen in late 2023. Model forecasts and observations suggest the positive IOD is near its end, with the majority indicating the IOD index will fall below +0.4 °C in the coming weeks.
The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) is currently over the Maritime Continent. International climate models suggest it is likely to move eastwards and weaken as it moves towards the Western Pacific, with most models forecasting it to restrengthen to between a moderate to strong level once in the Western Pacific.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has confirmed that 2023 was the warmest year on record. Individually, the past 10 years have been the warmest 10 years on record. Australia's climate has warmed by 1.48 ± 0.23 °C between 1910, when national records began, and 2022.

Read the full report on our website. It includes the latest updates on climate drivers in the Pacific, Indian and Southern oceans, and the tropics.

More information

Media liaison (03) 9669 4057

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Next update expected by 6 February 2024

  23rd Morning: