Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Record breaking Cyclone Biparjoy

Biparjoy pours over Gujarat.     😧👉

Record-breaking Cyclone Biparjoy and Cyclone activity in the North Indian Ocean

Cyclone Biparjoy is now the longest-lived cyclone (with winds at least 35 knots) in the Arabian Sea (including all months) in the satellites era (since 1982).

Top 2 longest-lived cyclones in the Arabian Sea (all months)

1. Biparjoy (2023): 198 hours

2. June 1998 cyclone: 186 hours

Cyclone Biparjoy is the longest-lived cyclone (with winds at least 35 knots) in the Arabian Sea in the pre-monsoon season in the satellite era (since 1982).

Top 3 longest-lived cyclones in the Arabian Sea in the pre-monsoon season (April-June)

1. Biparjoy (2023): 198 hours

2. June 1998 cyclone: 186 hours

3. Vayu (2019) and May 2001 Cyclone: 150 hours

Cyclone Biparjoy is the longest-lived cyclone with at least category 1 cyclone strength (winds>64 knots) in the Arabian Sea in the satellite era (since 1982, including all months). It is maintaining at least category 1 cyclone strength for 150 hours (as of 13 June 5:30 pm IST).

Cyclone Biparjoy accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is now 22.3, this is the highest ACE by a north Indian Ocean cyclone in the satellite era (since 1982). 

Top 3 highest ACE in the pre-monsoon season (April-June) in the north Indian Ocean

1. Biparjoy (AS, June 2023): 22.3

2. Fani (Bay, April 2019): 21.96

3. Amphan (Bay, May 2020): 19.75

Cyclone Biparjoy accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is now 22.3, this is the highest ACE by a pre-monsoon Arabian Sea cyclone in the satellite era (since 1982). 

Top 3 highest ACE in the pre-monsoon season in the Arabian Sea

1. Biparjoy (2023): 22.3

2. Gonu (2007): 19.62

3. May 1999 cyclone: 17.08

Cyclone Biparjoy accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is also the 3rd highest by any cyclone in the Arabian Sea (including all months) in the satellite era (since 1982). 

Top 4 highest ACE in the Arabian Sea (including all months)

1. Kyarr (2019): 24.71

2. Chapala (2015): 23.41

3. Biparjoy (June 2023): 22.3

4. Gonu (June 2007): 19.62

The accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) in the north Indian Ocean in this pre-monsoon season (April-June) has now reached 37.9 (as of 14 June evening). This is the highest ACE in the north Indian Ocean during the pre-monsoon season in the satellite era (since 1982)

Top 3 ACE Years in the north Indian Ocean during the pre-monsoon season are:

1. 2023: 37.9

2. 2019: 37.67

3. 2007: 23.2

This is only the second time in recorded history (since 1982) that the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal have hosted a category 3 or higher intensity cyclone in the same pre-monsoon season. Cyclone Moch (category 5 in the Bay of Bengal in May 2023) and Cyclone Biparjoy (Category 3 in the Arabian Sea in June 2023). Previous to this, only such incidence was in 2019.

Note: All data is based on JTWC records


shiekhz said...

According to windshear map a huge clockwise circulation over sindh extending upto arabian sea whats the latest forecast for track sir?

sset said...

Since last 5 years Arabian sea is hosting cyclones, tracking towards gujarat or maharashtra. Gujarat and Rajasthan are becoming wetter. Proportionately tamilnadu, rayalseema are become drier. Deadly heatwave for andhra pradesh

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