Sunday, June 04, 2023

4th June..Monsoon main parameters awaited. ..Rajasthan still missing the core heat with 30°C+ min

4th June...2023

Hot sweltering night for Mumbai...almost reaching the hottest ever...

Today Night was 29.5°c at Santacruz  and 28.8°c at Colaba 

The Prevous Records as per Vagaries 👇


Pankaj said...

Will NorthWest (WD)(travelled almost more than 700 Kms in a day from S Rajasthan to Konkan. ) meet SouthWest clouds near South Maharashtra or Knonkan ?

Rajesh said...

Pankaj...The rainfall from a WD is due to the WD trough which dips South till Gujarat. Meaning the winds turn at the bottom of the trough to NE.
No interaction with SW winds possible.

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