Monday, August 05, 2019

Total rainfall till today
Tamini 5670.
Cherrapunji 5339....


sset said...

Nilay are you sleeping...
Many places near Mumbai, ghat areas have over taken Cherrapuji..

Way it is raining 300-500mm almost every day, multiple places for months together is a miracle! Cause needs to be analyzed by IIT,weather experts, environment minsters...
This is causing scanty rains over south India.. Augumbe is just 2000mm, Medikeri 1000mm, Bangalore 100mm, Mysore 50mm,Thotukoodi and Pamban only 50mm since june. Entire South East India has become barren desert - nobody cares.

Fear is sticky insane UAC over north Konkan, south GUJ may happen again and also next year!

Surat 1000mm in 48hrs... insane pounding!

NilaY Wankawala said...

I withdraw my comment dated 3 rd august 2019 11 05 Am.

SSET you were right.

Unknown said...

Look at the first line of sset comment " are you sleeping? " And look at the grace of Nilay " I withdraw my comment....."

@sset I hope you will also learn such grace one day in your comments. Rajesh is a very kind blog owner tolerating your blubbering each day. Please try attempting such illogical comments on Kea and see how Pradeep or others would throw you out of the forum. This blog is read by international readers who just love rain and do not discriminate between North South or West. Please learn to respect the sentiments of other bloggers and more importantly that of the blog itself. For a change try to love the rains wherever it falls and do not keep ranting all the time. Maybe once you try to do that, we may see more rain in the South too !

I also know that I have tried this in the past and failed. But I am a genuine rain lover and cannot keep quiet at your illogical comments. I would prefer this blog to remain as Vagaries of Weather and enjoy it rather than keep reading repeated same whining comments each day.

And etiquette in a blog says that you must mention your name too. Right below this blog it says the blog does not allow anonymous comment. Please try that too.

Sunny said...

Wow" are you sleeping";that's a very rude comment .... sset hope you realise it .

sset said...

Did you read original comment by Nilay on me ?
For me no problem and also to Nilay I responded in a humorous and light manner so that gravity and strength of Konkan rains have no parallel. It is to be taken in a lighter note.
As far as south India is concerned causes are by observation and anyone who visits SE India will see true facts.

Harper Mia said...
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Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...