Thursday, December 24, 2009

Theory of "Global Warming"--IV

By putting my views against the GW phobia, I stress upon the fact that there is nothing like GW vis-a-vis meteorology and climate. My personal feel is,"Nothing to worry about the "disaster" effects due to an unusual warming".

But , we do have to worry about protecting our earth from destruction/deforestation. It does not mean we abuse our planet, we cannot cut down trees, and extinct off all the other speciies from the face of the earth. Living in harmony with all species will enrich the atmosphere much more, than lighting a CFL bulb. Each and every living type on this earth contributes to the well being of the planet, in their own way. And getting to know how all the living species, whether insect or animals, actually help the earth, and in turn us humans,survive. This will require an entire life time.

Keeping our seas clean will prove more beneficial than worrying about rising sea (dirty) waters. Covering the earth with plastics will be more harmfull than worrying about an adverse "crop effect" on this planet.

But producing plastic and CFL bulbs are commercial propositions !

Because, surely the temperatures will rise in urban centres due to concretisation and congestion. We will notice temperatures are lower by 2/4c just a few kilometres outside our cities. Why, even in open spaces within the city, we will record temperatures lower than in a crowded area.

Hence, for the purpose of recording Global temperatures, still a vast majorities of the readings are from the major, and medium cities. Of-course there are rural readings as well, but vast rural patches, like farmlands and open regions go unrecorded, and they too are part of the earth.

Hence, modifying a bit, we could say we are in for "Urban Warming", to some extent, but definitely not "Rural Warming". And "Urban Warming" cannot create climate change !

Ok, lets observe the fact that is already upon us, rather than worry about the "islands" sinking in 2030 !

Water vapor is responsible for 95 percent of the greenhouse effect. CO2 contributes just 3.6 percent, with human activity responsible for only 3.2 percent of that. That is why some studies claim CO2 levels are largely irrelevant to global warming. Without the greenhouse effect to keep our world warm, the planet would have an average temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius. Because we do have it, the temperature is a comfortable plus 15 degrees Celsius.

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center data shows 2008 ice nearly identical to 2002, 2005 and 2006.

One won't read it in the media. It doesn't suit the editors of most climate alarmist publications. But below is the picture that reveals the allegedly 'disappearing Arctic ice' defied countless theories growing last year by 30%. And the visual satellite proof had been put up in my blog article on GW Part II.

One of their biggest scaremongering predictions was that 'by the end of the century Bangladesh would be 'under the waves' .

New data shows that Bangladesh's landmass is increasing, contradicting forecasts that the nation will be under the waves by the end of the century, experts say.

Scientists from the Dhaka-based Center for Environment and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) have studied 32 years of satellite images and say Bangladesh's landmass has increased by 20 square kilometres (eight square miles) annually.

I reproduce--"Maminul Haque Sarker, head of the department at the government-owned centre that looks at boundary changes, told AFP sediment which travelled down the big Himalayan rivers -- the Ganges and the Brahmaputra -- had caused the landmass to increase.

The rivers, which meet in the centre of Bangladesh, carry more than a billion tonnes of sediment every year and most of it comes to rest on the southern coastline of the country in the Bay of Bengal where new territory is forming, he said in an interview on Tuesday.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted that impoverished Bangladesh, criss-crossed by a network of more than 200 rivers, will lose 17 percent of its land by 2050 because of rising sea levels due to global warming".

Director of the US-based NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, professor James Hansen, paints an even grimmer picture, predicting the entire country could be under water by the end of the century.

Now the flip side:

Sarker said that while rising sea levels and river erosion were both claiming land in Bangladesh, many climate experts had failed to take into account new land being formed from the river sediment.

"Satellite images dating back to 1973 and old maps earlier than that show some 1,000 square kilometres of land have risen from the sea," Sarker said.

"A rise in sea level will offset this and slow the gains made by new territories, but there will still be an increase in land. We think that in the next 50 years we may get another 1,000 square kilometres of land."

We can go on and on with thi discussion. What with a record cold snap on both sides of the Atlantic !

More in the next part.

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