Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Posted 25th August afternon:

Second time in this month  monsoon is observing ‘break’ conditions. (A prolonged break earlier in the 1st fortnight has already occurred over many parts of the country.) 

 Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab and Odisha have been impacted largely during this phase. (Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal have been the beneficiary and received moderate rains)

Despite rains over east and northeast India, the rainfall deficiency has risen to -9% and can reach -10% in a day or two. 
This August is heading for one of the worst hit monsoon month and can draw parallel with August 2009, a severe drought year.


Deficiency  in the main  monsoon month like August can adversely impact the seasonal performance.

Consolation: A cyclonic circulation is expected to form over Northwest Bay of Bengal on 27 th August. This system will pull the eastern end of monsoon trough southward and can reverse ‘break monsoon’ conditions. 

This cyclonic circulation will deepen and may turn into a low pressure area before moving inland on 30th August. 

The weather system will revive the monsoon activity around the weekend.


sset said...

Kerala faces worst drought guess must be in last 5-10 years. After May SWM completely disappeared from 'gateway of monsoon - kerala'. Not a single spell of heavy rain.
Coastal KAR and Malnad very weak SWM- Cauvery and other lakes no rain.
If NEM fails then TN, KAR, KER, AP tensions will arise.

Only MAHA is in excess and Konkan is topper with all extreme rains !

Tanmay srivastav said...

Mawkyrwat ka rainfall data hae 1 june to 26 August?????

Tanmay srivastav said...

Mawkyrwat Southwest khasi hills ka data 1 june to 26 August tak ka mil sakta hae?

Rajesh said...

Mawkyrwat... मुझे ऐसी कोई जगह नहीं पता

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