Thursday, April 07, 2016

Vagaries' Annual "Monsoon Watch" Series will be starting as Usual...Monsoon Watch -1 will be published around the normal date..10th April.


Rajesh K said...

Waiting for Monsoon Watch

Unknown said...

Yet another hot day in bangalore. Waiting for the rain predicted for the day. Hope we get lucky today or tomorrow.

Rajesh said...

Vijay: Was hopeful of showers on Thursday

sset said...

What makes AP more susceptible to heat wave every year?
As of now 120 people lost lives dues to heat wave. No relief expected.

Karan Kumbhar said...

This summer has a sizzling start with record-breaking maximums .With atleast two more months to go its going to be very tough . lets hope we have frequent weather systems to break this heat.

Unknown said...

Sudden Early morning rain [4.30 pm to 5.00 pm] in bangalore north. Rajesh sir you got it right :)
But No rain in my area. Hope we turn lucky today.

Zohair said...

sir whats ur forecast for karachi? 9 and 10th April?

Rajesh said...

Zohair:Currently busy compiling Monsoon Watch, so not working on latest forecast....But
Karachi will be getting cloudy from Friday night. Saturday will be cloudy. Can expect light rain in the region around KHI...windy from the west at 30 kmph.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...