Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kolkata Heat Wave...

And Banglore Heat Continues


Karan Kumbhar said...

Any relief from current intense weather for maharashtra ?

Wasim said...

Please let calcuttans know when this severe heatwave will end and why there's complete absence of squalls this season. If this is the condition in april, is the worst yet to come, in may?

Wasim said...

Please let calcuttans know when this severe heatwave will end and why there's complete absence of squalls this season. If this is the condition in april, is the worst yet to come, in may?

Wasim said...

Please let calcuttans know when this severe heatwave will end and why there's complete absence of squalls this season. If this is the condition in april, is the worst yet to come, in may?

sset said...


skymet statements
"Today, at around 3.30 pm, Metar of Bangalore showed 40 degrees as its maximum. However, the actual maximum recorded will be out by 5:30 pm and will be less than 40 degrees. But, with the present situation, the city may be able to surpass its all time maximum record which stands at 38.3 degree Celsius"

Worst yet to come for BANGALORE - NO TREES, NO LAKES - this is what will be response from nature when people do not respect nature. Entire BBMP,BDA,BMRCL,CM have defied high court order to plant trees for last 4 years! + heat wave of AP Rayalseema just sweeps into Bangalore. New highs to be seen BANGA 40c, Hyderabad 45c. This year no significant pre-monsoon rains in Bangalore - june, july, aug will be dry.

Rajesh said...

Wasim: Kolkata will be very hot on Friday. As mentioned in the "Flash Snippet"....Can touch 41/42c on friday. Temperatures will drop to below 40c from Saturday.

Karan: No immiediate relief for interior maharashtra. Days will get hotter in Vidharbh and madhya Mah next few days. Nagpur likely to touch 43c this weekend. Pune which touched 40.8c on Thursday, will be 41c on friday, and around 40c on Sat/Sun

Rajesh said...

Another WD will bring more rains to the Northern Hill states and some parts of North Sub Continent from Saturday 16th. Some relief in Northern regions.
However, the real Nor westers in Bengal and Bangladesh and adjoining NE India will start building up from the 21st of April. Seeing rains after 21st in the region.

Rajesh said...

sset: I think Bangalore was 37.4c on Thursday and HAL was 36.8c.

Rajesh Kumar said...

Sir When Bangalore will start getting LWD rains..?

Abhijit Modak said...

@sset: Bangalore AP Metar is reporting 40c temp from past 3 days !! But as we know Bangalore new Airport has shifted outside of city which is almost 35kms far in NNE from main city so with that METAR observation has also shifted to new location that is at Kempegowada International AP !! So Metar reading cannot be considered as main city reading as it is 35kms far away reading !!

And also METAR reports 2c higher temp may be due to nature of placing.. IMD Bangalore KAIL AP reports max of 38c while METAR as 40c for same Kempegowada AP !! And old Bangalore HAL AP which is within city reports max of 36.8c today while city saw 37.4c which is highest of the season till now !!

Abhijit Modak said...

Nashik sees first 40c mark temp for current summer season !! As Max recorded is 40.3c today..

Pune max temp 40.8c today which is hottest till now of the season !! Also in morning Pune saw min temp of 17.3c today.. So was coolest in min temp wise in the state !! So range difference of 23.5c between min & max today !

While Mumbai pleasant @ 32.5c..

Rajesh said...

Rajesh Kumar: With the WD coming, a dis organised LWD, not stretching South, will remain in Central regions.
Bangalore , except for stray heat showers in the vicinity, will not get meaningfull tunder showers till 21st April at least.

Unknown said...

sir imd had predicted above normal rainfall this year so whats vagaries prediction for quantity of rainfall for this year

Rajesh Kumar said...

@SSET sir, After reading your comment , I feel you are cursing Bangalore :D ;) ,Anyway season has started now, last year 14th April was awesome, may be from 21st , as Rajesh sir told, season may start.. However this summer is exceptionally hot..

Unknown said...

SSET, AS per IMD for the last 3 days we have received max of 37.2, 37 and 37.4

Its high time you stop speaking about other cities.
You are maligning the spirit of this blog. Except you no one else writes mean things about cities in this blog. WE are all here as weather lovers, lets stick only to that.

Rajesh said...

megh kapale: As always, vagaries gives its quantum analysisi in its Monsoon Watch Serires. This annual series, first analyses the parameters for Monsoon advance dates, and then the parameters for Monsoon Quantum. As we follow the Gowariker method, the analysis considers parameters upto April. In fact many parameters of April are to be taken into account. Hence, normally, the quantum is given in MW -4, around 1st week of May.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...