Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Trough thru South India shown below on Sat image, is moving Westwards. Currently over the Interiors of Karnataka and Kerala, just inland off the coastline. This trough has an UAC now embedded in it in the Southern most regions. 

Trough expected to shift West, with clouding spreading Northwards from Interior Karnataka. 

A warm front is pushing westwards, creating alto-cumulus and stratus clouds along the trough line.

This development could fall in line with the last forecast put up for Mon/Tue/Wed....system shifting into the Arabian Sea !

New Delhi Sjing low was 6.5c, Palam was 7.4c and lowest in NCR Hindon was 4.9c.


Arpit Sharma said...

Today my forecast went right with s'jung witnessing 6.5c and hindon 4.9c...

Rajesh said...

clouds in mumbai would come as trough moves west, and embedded uac strengthens it....see current sat pic, clouds curving from Arabian sea inland..

Arpit: Good estimate...getting perfect now..

Arpit Sharma said...

yes rajesh sir...trying to be more accurate:)

Junaid said...

@rajesh u said another phase is going to start frm thurday onward,,ths phase of warm front will end or wat??or it will bring useless high clouds wich have the spoiled the onset of steady winter temps in mumbai

Rajesh said...

vagaries' morning note of embedded uac in trough mentioned now in IMD night bulletin...by now UAC in the sea....

Rajesh said...

junaid: cloudy with medium clouds next 2/3 days...and winter in the sude lines for a few days..

City Weather Outlook for next 4 days till Wednesday 28th..(14th.- 17th) All mentioned cities will have dry weather                  Date.  ...