Friday, December 09, 2011

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Timings and Details of the Total Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, 10th December:

For India:
In the NE states,West Bengal,Sikkim,Bihar,Jharkhand and some parts of Chattisgarh, the moon rises before the P1 stage. So they can experience the entire phenomena starting with the shading of the moon. Places other than these, will see an eclipsed moon rising.

Moon enters the Umbra - 0615PM IST
Total Eclipse Begins - 0736PM IST

Total Eclipse Ends- 0827PM IST
Partial Eclipse ends - 0948PM IST
Penumbral Eclipse ends- 11PM IST

Moon Rise in Mumbai on Saturday is at 17h 57m IST.

The general timings for regions shown in the map above are -

P1 = 11:33:32 UT ….. (0503PM IST)….. Moon enters the penumbra

U1 = 12:45:42 UT …. (0615PM IST)….. Moon enters the umbra

U2 = 14:06:16 UT ….. (0736PM IST) … TOTAL ECLIPSE BEGINS


U3 = 14:57:24 UT …. (0827PM IST)
U4 = 16:17:58 UT….. (0948PM IST) … MOON LEAVES UMBRA
P4 = 17:30:00 UT …. (11PM IST) … ECLIPSE ENDS
Details from Akshay's Blog.

More details about the concept and actual FAQs of a Lunar eclipse are explained and found on Akshay's Blog here.


Anonymous said...

Our timings would be same as Mumbai?


Akshay Deoras said...

Hi. The rest oft the timings are going to be similar for Mumbai. The moon rise time shall be different for different cities

Akshay Deoras

PS- Go through the FAQ article

Ron said...

acc to imd...minimum temp would fall by 4C over northwest & central....fresh wd???would it affect mumbai?

Rajesh said...

ron: Temps will fall over N/NW India as well as central India. They are now almost +4/+5c above they should normalise..a weak W.D. has just passed in the upper regions.
satyen: Akshay thanks for repling..yes, as he says, the timings are for all india.

Ron said...

oh i c...thank you for your response..

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