Sunday, April 28, 2019

Posted Sunday Evening 28th :
Cyclonic Storm Fani:

Date : 28 APR 2019 Time : 114500 UTC
      Lat :    8:01:41 N     Lon :   87:12:50 E
Center Temp : -39.9C    Cloud Region Temp : -53.8C
Member Estimates 

CIMSS AMSU: 995 hPa        52 knots   
ATMS:              992.8 hPa    51.7 knots 

28th April 2019
Khaargone 47.5c.
Akola 47.2c (April Record), Parbhani 47.2c (ATR for any month), 
Karjat 45.8c,
Pune 43.0c, , Badlapur (Private) 43c, Nasik 42.8c (New Record again)
Mahableshwar 36.1c, Matheran 38.4c
The first 10 Hottest Places in the World on 28th April:
1Khargone (India)                                        47.5°C
2Akola (India)                                                                                        47.2°C
3Parbhani (India)47.2°C
4Kandla Aerodrome (India)46.8°C
5Khandwa (India)46.1°C
6Chauk (Myanmar)45.9°C
7Banda (India)45.6°C
8Hoshangabad (India)45.4°C
9Jalgaon (India)45.4°C
10Adilabad (India)45.3°C



Rawat said...

Sir for NEW DELHI for next 2 days

NilaY Wankawala said...


Issued 30 April 2019

The latest ENSO Wrap-Up and Climate Model Summary are now available on the Bureau's website.

Outlooks indicate short-lived El Niño likely

The Bureau's ENSO Outlook remains at El Niño ALERT. This means the chance of El Niño developing in 2019 is approximately 70%. Climate models indicate that if El Niño does develop it is likely to be short-lived.

Although the surface of the tropical Pacific Ocean remains warmer than average, water below the surface of the ocean has been gradually cooling. A cooling of water at depth can lead to a cooling of the ocean surface, which may reduce the length of an event if one develops. Most climate models indicate surface warmth in the Pacific Ocean will remain at El Niño-like levels at least through May. The longer the ocean surface warmth remains, the more likely it is that the atmosphere will respond, and El Niño will develop.

If El Niño does develop in May, it's likely to be short lived, with most models indicating the ocean will likely cool through winter and spring. Four of the eight surveyed models return to neutral by September, and the other four indicate weak El Niño levels.

El Niño typically brings drier than average conditions for eastern Australia during winter–spring, and warmer days across the southern two-thirds of the country.

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is currently neutral. Climate outlooks indicate the IOD is likely to remain neutral for the remainder of autumn. However, by September half of the models predict a positive IOD will form, with the rest indicating neutral conditions will persist. A positive IOD typically means drier than average conditions for southern and central Australia during winter-spring.

More information

Media enquiries: (03) 9669 4057

Next update expected on 14 May 2019

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