Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Posted Wednesday 13th Afternoon:

Western Disturbance F-2 is now almost over North India on Wednesday. Wednesday/Thursday will see the effect of an induced low forming over Rajasthan, and on Thursday/Friday the low attracts the Easterlies over North and Central India.
Resultant good rains/snow on Wednesday and Thursday in Kashmir, H.P, Uttarakahnad and rainfall in North Rajasthan, Haryana , Punjab and Delhi on Wednesday and Thursday.

Thursday Friday sees rains in the North and Central India regions of M.P, Vidharbh.

Jabalpur gets showers on Friday 15th. Temperatures showing a fall after that on Sat/Sunday.
Nagpur gets light rains to showers on Friday.
Temperatures drop in North/NW and Central India on Saturday/Sunday.
West also sees a fall in temperatures on the weekend.
New Delhi will get showers or thunder showers on Thursday and Friday. Cooling the days. Around 15-30 mms expected in 2 days.

F-3 will be appearing around 18th over Pakistan, with rainfall possible in Sindh from it.
F-3 approaches India on 18th/19th with more rains in the North.

Mumbai: Wednesday Thursday will be warm at 34/35c with nights around 20c at Scruz. Gradual cooling from Friday 15th, with the days cooling down to below 29c and nights may register 15/16c at Scruz.

Pune: Warm on Wednesday and Thursday. Cooling from Friday with weekend touching 9/10c.


shiekhz said...

Good news (y)

shiekhz said...

Sir.Models showing on sun/mon as well.

Rajesh said...

Shiekhz: Maybe light rains on Wednesday from F-4

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