Monday, November 07, 2011

AS-3 on 7th November, at 11.7N and 63.3E. ( 6.00am IST Monday).

click here for larger view

Winds at 200 mb could push upper clouds at that level towards the North-East over Kutch and Sindh coast from Tuesday.

1 comment:

Viravanalluran said...

I do all think so. The upper level winds are guiding winds.
Yesterday, [06.11.2011/2100 hrs IST ] a sudden down pour with heavy intensity lashed Tiruppur in Tamilnadu causing flash floods which claimed at least 15 lives on the bank of river Noyyal. One could imagine the winds drawn by the AS-3 through TN and never thought tragedy would occur.

City Weather Outlook for next 4 days till Wednesday 28th..(14th.- 17th) All mentioned cities will have dry weather                  Date.  ...