Monday, February 06, 2023

Pune touches 34.1c today...The rise 👇

Forecast from Monday 6th to Thursday 10th February - Temperatures to rise from mid-week, giving summer-like feel during the day!

Comfortable, warm days and pleasant nights across Maharashtra may last for another 2 days, before temperature starts rising from Wednesday. 

Mumbai: Hot and dry days to continue with max around 34°C, and min around 18-19°C till Wednesday 8th. From Thursday 9th February, max and min temperatures to rise by 1-2°C, with daytime seeing very hot weather of around 36°C and min around 20°C. 

  Date    Day    Night     Avg.Humidity
   6th      33c      19c          60%
   7th      33c      19c          60%
   8th      34c      20c          55%
   9th      35c      21c          50%
   10th    35c      21c          45%

Interior Konkan - Observing cool nights around 13-16°C. It will also see hot and dry weather during daytime, although nights would be much pleasant than the coastal areas. 

Pune: Warm days of 33°C and pleasant cool nights of 11-12°C may continue till Tuesday 7th Feb. Temperatures to rise from 8th, with max likely to touch 34°C from 9th February, and min rising up to 15°C.

Date       Day       Night      Avg.Humidity
6th           33c        12c            45%      
7th           33c        13c            45%
8th           33c        13c            45%
9th           34c        15c            40%
10th         35c        15c            40%

Aurangabad: Temperatures to rise from Thursday 9th February. Max/min around 35°C and 16°C. 

Remaining Marathwada districts and Vidarbha: Rise in temperatures from Thursday 9th February - max around 35-36°C, min around 15-16°C.  

Gujarat: Rise in day and night temperatures from Wednesday 8th February. Days can get hotter up to 34-35°C, nights around 16°C across most of the state. 

Warm at 33c and 18c on 6th, 7th & 8th...on 9th, 10th...Days getting hotter to 36c from 9th February.

A weak-moderate intensity Western Disturbance F-1 is affecting western Himalayan region. Heaviest snow to be in Kashmir, Ladakh and upper reaches of Himachal Pradesh (Lahaul-Spiti). 

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