Monday, December 07, 2020

 Posted 7th December Noon:

BB-15 has changed the "Plan of Action" and scenario now has become unfavorable for BB-15 to form.

UAC over the SE Arabian Sea lies off South Kerala coast.

Light rains may occur on 11th in south Gujarat (Surat/Valsad) and Southern Saurashtra (Parts)

Western Disturbance D-1 approaches North India and Northern Sub Continent on 7th thru 9th.

Rain/snow expected in Kashmir, Ladakh and H.P.

Mumbai; getting some cloudy weather from 9th..with a possible light rain in some areas, on  9th or 10th.  Day temperatures  can become a  bit cooler by a few degrees, with some clouds. After the clouds clear from 12th, we may see much better and pleasant weather for Mumbai. 

Pune: Partly cloudy for the next 3/4 days, with not much change, or maybe a rise by 2/3c in the current minimum temperatures. 

Goa: Expecting some rain showers for Goa on 9th/10th....around 5-10 mms/day on 9th.& 10th December..

DEEP FREEZE forecast for U.K.

UK weather forecast – Britain braced for -10C Arctic blast as temperatures to plunge lower than Moscow.

THE country is about to be blasted by a -10 Arctic chill as temperatures plunge to lower than Moscow.

This month is set to be the coldest December ever as the mercury plunged to -9 with forecasters expecting it to drop even lower.

More snow is forecast this week on higher ground as the Met Office predicted colder than average temperatures for much of the month.

For most in the country it's going to be cold and frosty.

1 comment:

NilaY Wankawala said...

Credit Australian Government Bureau of metereology latest issued cliamte driver update 08 12 2020

Issued 8 December 2020

The latest Climate Driver Update and Climate Model Summary are now available on the Bureau's website.

La Niña continues in the tropical Pacific.

Ocean and atmosphere indicators reflect a mature La Niña with little variation over last fortnight. Model outlooks suggest the event will peak at moderate levels during December, returning to a neutral phase during the late summer or autumn.

The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is expected to increase to strong positive values over the coming week. This is driven in part by the La Nina influence, and in part by a stronger than average polar vortex over Antarctica. Positive values are expected at least into early 2021, and typically increase the chance of rainfall in eastern Australia.

The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) is relatively weak and is currently over the Maritime Continent (Indonesia). It is forecast to move east and across Australian longitudes over the next fortnight. The MJO, in conjunction with other tropical influences, is looking favourable for monsoon onset and producing above-average rainfall over northern Australia.

Climate change is also influencing the Australian climate. Rainfall across northern Australia during the wet season (October–April) has increased since the late 1990's, with a greater proportion of high intensity short duration rainfall events.

Climate outlooks, which include all climate drivers, indicate rainfall during December 2020 is likely to be above average over most of northern Australia. Rainfall over January to March 2021 is likely to be above average, particularly for eastern Queensland.

More information

Media enquiries: (03) 9669 4057

Next update expected on 22 December 2020

  23rd Morning: