Sunday, December 27, 2020

 Posted 27th  evening

A moderate WD now over North Sub Continent. 

Rain/snow expected and going on in Northern Hill States, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi. 

Cold conditions follow from 28 th thru 31st in North, NW India, Kutch, Parts of Northern Kathiawar, North Maharashtra. 

Mumbai & Pune getting cooler from 28th to 31st Dec:

30- 16/17c range for Mumbai. 

Pune range 28- 11/12.

Delhi in range of cold wave with Cold days below 18c and cold at night in 3/4c range.

Towns in Saurastra dipping to 7/8c.

Bharuch: getting cooler from 28th.very cold on 29th and 30th. Possibly touching 8/9c.

Surat on similar lines, getting cooler from 28th, possibly touching 10/11c on 29th/30th.

Severe Sub Zero temperatures in Kashmir, Ladakh, H. P, Uttarakhand. 

Freezing and frost expected in some placed of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. 

Showing the Northerly wind flow from 28th 

Upper Sindh will see low temperatures ( 4-6c) and Karachi 6-8c.

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