Monday, March 11, 2019

Posted Tuesday 12th: Effect of M-2 

from the Tribune
Biting cold wave conditions further aggravated in Himachal as tribal areas and other higher hills received fresh snowfall while severe storm lashed mid and lower hills accompanied by rains and sleet.
Icy winds accompanied by sharp showers lashed state capital Shimla forcing people to stay indoors while adjoining tourist resort of Kufri received light snowfall.
Higher reaches in Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur, Chamba and Kullu received fresh snowfall while lower hills of Mandi, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kangra and Solan had widespread rains causing sharp fall in temperature.
Kalpa and Manali received 5 cm and 3 cm of snow while Rohtang Pass and Kothi had 30 cms of snow. Chamba was the wettest in the state with 19 mm of rains followed by Tissa 16 mm, Sundernagar 10 mm, Manali 9 mm, Dalhousie 8mm, Bhuntar 7mm Shimla and Sarahan 5 mm.
The maximum temperatures dropped from 25.2 degree to 18.3 degree C at Una. Keylong recorded the minimum temperature at minus 5 degree while Kalpa, Kufri and Manali recorded a low of minus 0.6 degree, 2.5 degree and 3.6 degree, respectively.
Posted 11th March Monday

Western Disturbance M-2 (See last post below for details)


sset said...

Cyclone Idai to strike Mozambique this week - 200 - 400mm rain in 24 hrs.
Hope such rains hit SE India - 4 years of successive drought!

sset said...

Anantapur, Rayalseema, Cadapah districts records annual rain of only 200mm (worse than driest desert)

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...