Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Posted 9th January Afternoon:

Moderate Cold Wave in  Maharashtra:

Minimum Lows on 9th Jan Morning

Mahableshwar Lake (agency Reading)  3.5c
Jalgaon  6.0c
Ahmednagar  6.1c
Nasik  6.9c
Pune 8.0c
Chandrapur  8.2c
Aurangabad 8.7c
Amravati 9.2c
Navi Mumbai  10.8c
Mahableshwar (IMD) 13.2c
Mumbai Scruz     13.8c
Matheran  17c 

Western Disturbance J-3 expected over Northern India by 10th Jan. Cold days expected as WD peaks on 12th. 
Very light rain in some pockets expected in Kutch and Coastal Sindh 0n 12th.

Cold conditions with Winds expected in Gujarat and Maharashtra on  12th/13th/14th.

Mumbai: Temperatures dropping to 12-14c from 12th Jan for a couple of days with windy conditions.
Pune: Cold weather around 6-8c from 12th Jan  for a couple of days..
Pune has been having continuous night temperatures at 10c or below since 28th December 2018..That is last 13 days continuously....and still running !


Abhijit Modak said...

Nashik seeing single digit temp since 27 Dec 2018.. and is mostly below 9c !

Rajesh said...

one more day added today 10th

Cumulus arjun said...

And in Mumbai too from 27th December all nights low are at 15C or below except 8th when minimum of 16C was recorded.......and average min temp in Mumbai is 17c for this time of the year.

Abhijit Modak said...

Nashik sees 23 days single digit temp in this season till today.

Sunny said...

Hope summer doesn't turn out to be extreme ...even for Mumbai .

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...