Sunday, January 10, 2021

Records continue to Tumble in Tamil Nadu for January, more rains expected in next 4 days.


I. Chennai Airport (Meenambakkam) - ATR for Monthly Rainfall broken

Previous monthly ATR - 1986 - 170 mm

New ATR for January - 2021 - 229.1 mm (Till 10.01.2021)


II. Coimbatore Airport (Peelamedu) - Both 24hrs and Monthly broken for January


24 hrs record in January was 33.4 mm on 03.01.1985

24 hrs ATR for January for Coimbatore AP was broken with 112.8 mm on 07.01.2021


Previous monthly ATR - 1985 - 64 mm

New ATR for January - 2021 - 173.6 mm (Till 10.01.2021)


III. Kaur Paramathy - 24hrs broken for January


24 hrs record in January was 16.5 mm on 15.01.1986

24 hrs ATR for January for Karur Paramathy was broken with 40.0 mm on 07.01.2021 


IV. Tirupattur - 24hrs broken for January


24 hrs record in January was 12 mm on 16.01.1986

24 hrs ATR for January for Tirupattur was broken with 17.8 mm on 07.01.2021


V. Chennai City (Nungambakkam) Top 24 hrs January rainfall in 150 years

in mm

212.9 – 15.01.1915
99.8 – 02.01.1920
84.8 – 06.01.2021
82.8 – 05.01.1903
66.9 – 13.01.1986
66.5 – 01.01.1909
63.0 – 05.01.2021

So after 100 years Chennai City has got heavy rains in the City since 1915. Chennai City Nungambakkam recorded 147.8 mm on the trot on 05.01.2021. But the 8.30 am cut-off reading split the readings into 2 days.

VI. Tamil Nadu Great January Rainfall years in last 50 years

in mm (30 mm and above)

Normal for TN in January is 18 mm

2021 – 69.9 (till 10.01.2021) – At this rate century is confirmed, this January in next 4-5 days.
2017 – 37.3
2000 – 30.3
1990 – 86.5
1986 – 65.3
1985 – 89.6
1984 – 34.5

All time Record for Tamil Nadu in January is 141 mm in the year 1921.


sanjeev Gokhale said...

Rajesh sir, please comment on Mumbai climate. Winter is not felt this year except few days.
Are we going to experience chill or be ready for next summer??

Saurabh said...

North East Monsoon refuses to end. What will happen to south west monsoon this year.
It will be delayed. This will accelerate the desertification of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

This phenomena needs to be studied.

Rajesh said...

Saurabh: NE Monsoon delay will have no effect on the SWM.. SWM can be affected by delay of WDs into end May... As regards desertification... :-)

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...