Wednesday, February 28, 2018

28 FEB 2018 ..KARJAT TOUCHES 42 c .. KONKAN DRY HEAT WAVE .. (with Mumbai Feb 2018 averages)

Interior Maharashtra also starts heating up with max temps in most parts of the state recorded above 35 c today ..

Such dry heat waves during this time of the year (Feb end) are not uncommon at Konkan and Goa 

Only parts of the western ghats are relatively milder with Mahabaleshwar (lower parts) at 31 c / 10 c and Radhanagri at 33c / 12 c today  (western ghat temp courtesy : skymet aws)

Today's Maharashtra temp map :

Mumbai and surrounding region has experienced a warmer and drier Feb 2018 ..Humidity as low as 14 % has been recorded at Mumbai this Feb .. At Mumbai SCZ , above 35 c temps have been recorded on 6 days ..The min temp did not dip below 15 c ..

Feb 2018 averages .. Mumbai SCZ ..33.2 c(+1) / 18.8 (+1)
Badlapur .. 34.8 c (+2) / 16.8 c (+1) (thanks to Abhijit for Badlapur readings)
Colaba .. 31.6 c / 21.5 c 

For the record .. Feb 2008 was the coolest Feb in recent years at Mumbai SCZ , averaging 30.1 c / 14.6 c with lowest min temp recorded @ 8.5 c .. 
Feb 2012 also saw min temp at Mumbai SCZ dip to single digit@ 8.8 c ..Highest temp @ 39.1 c ..


Unknown said...

It rained last night at Ernakulam.
Again hot day, it can be above 37 deg C.

Rajesh Kumar said...

Rajesh Sir, Can we expect any premonsoon rain forecast for south india, from you?

Cumulus arjun said...

Heatwave has abated from Mumbai. Current temp-31C.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...