Friday, December 17, 2010

On Friday, December 17, 2010, the W.D. forecasted (only) by Vagaries was precipitating rain/snow in Central and eastern Kashmir, and in the mountain ranges of H.P. and Utteranchal.See accumulated rain map (daily) in links for ready ref.

Snow was falling on Friday in Ladakh and Central Kashmir ranges, with Leh at high of 7.5c today.

W.D. is not expected to remain beyond Saturday.

Meanwhile, an Easterly wave is expected to bring some precipitation to the T.N. coast from Tuesday for a couple of days.

Otherwise, not much is seen on the precipitation front in the sub-continent till Wednesday, 22nd. December.

Vagries precipitation/Temperature forecast will be updated on the 18th. for the next 3 days.(Mumbai Forecast updated today).

A fall in the night temperatures in the Northern and NW sectors could be expected from Saturday night (due to the current W.D.).

A fall of 2c in the north, and 2/3 in central (M.P./Vidharbha) and western India (Guj./Mah.) could be expected.

Lows in North India on Friday,17th. Dec.:

Darbuk (Ladakh): -23c, Leh: -13c, Kargil: -10c, Srinagar: -5c,

Adampur (Punjab) 1.2c,

Lowest in Mah. : Wardha: 4.8c, Nasik: 7c.

Across the border in Pakistan, lows like -8c was recorded at Quetta and 2c in Islamabad. Karachi was at 12c. Not expecting a further drop next 2/3 days here.

1 comment:

weather said...

weather maps from Global Forecast System

City Weather Outlook for next 4 days till Wednesday 28th..(14th.- 17th) All mentioned cities will have dry weather                  Date.  ...