Saturday, November 04, 2023

October Weather 2023

October 2023 Weather Summery..

The average Maximum temperature in October 2023 in India was the 3rd highest since 1901. It was 0.93c above normal...Ranked 3rd. The minimum average for October 2023 was also 0.73c above normal..Though it was ranked 10th..meaning there were 9 warmer Octobers.


For Maharshtra, we see the October day Temperatures around 1-2c above normal.

The Night temperatures around 1c below overall, it has been just about Normal October for Maharshtra.

But, Mumbai has seen almost 16 days, more than half the month, day time temperatures above 36c , i.e.2 degrees above normal and at least most of the other days around Mumbai overall would be averaging 1.5c above normal days in October 2023.
Night also have been around 2c above normal in Mumbai this October.

Scanty below the normal rains of only 11mms in October (Santa Cruz) and 28 mms in Colaba.

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