Saturday, September 28, 2024

 28th Night Posting :

In the next 2 days, by 1st October, the South West Monsoon will have withdrawn from Kashmir, H.P, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, West U.P, West Rajasthan and entire Kutch.

Monsoon current prevailing South of these regions ...

Outlook for the week 29th September - 4th October

Maharashtra will have light and scanty rainfall till Friday 4th October,

Gujarat will get Decreasing rains this week, with the Monsoon bidding good bye in Kutch and North Gujarat.

Bharuch: light rainfall and scanty showers continue till Friday4th. Not likely to hamper the celebrations .

Outlook for next week: 29th September - 4th October


Substantial decrease in rains from Sunday, and almost negligible rains from Monday 30th Sept. thru Friday and 4th. October.Hotter and sunny days.

Initial days of "Navratri" celebrations may not be disturbed by showers. Later, after 5th, there could be evening thunder showers in Mumbai.

Monsoon not withdrawing at least till 8th October.

Pune: Very little and scanty rains during the next week, with hotter sunny days.

Initially, the "Navratri" celebrations may not  be affected, but there could be thunder showers in the evening after 5th October.

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