Sunday, April 07, 2013

Vagaries' annual Monsoon Watch Series will Commence on the Usual Date this Year. First Article under preparation and compilation now, and will be published by evening (IST) of 10th April.

Tuesday Highs in Sub-Continent:

Hottest in India on Tuesday 9th April, Allahabad at 43.2c...Now, does this not tally with the Red patch in vagaries Sunday Forecast over Southern UP....followed by Anantapur and Nagpur at 42.7c.
Ahmadabad and regions to the West had a light drizzle on Tuesday afternoon/evening. Rain region effected Eastwards than the predicted zone..
Mumbai colaba 30.6c, Vagaries 31.3c, Scruz 32.0c..and Mahableshwar still heading skywards...33.8c..Pune 38.9c and Lohagaon 40.5c.

Tuesday's highest temperature in Pakistan was at Lahore at 35.5c., and Nepal hottest was Birendranagar at 38.4c, followed by Dhangadi at 38.2c. Kathmandu was 31.8c and 13.0c as the minimum.
Aurangabad minimum at 25.6c, +4.6c above Normal...and again, Ratnagiri at 19.5c was 4.8c below normal.

Monday 8th April

Hottest regions on Monday in the Map marked below (yesterday's post)

India's hottest remains in Vidharbha region. Chandrapur at 43.2c...Region is recording many stations above 40c...Amraoti and Nagpur 42.8c, Wardha 42.9c, Akola 42.0c. In MP Khajuraho 40.8c and Raipur in Chattisgarh 41.0c....

Mahableshwar shoots up to 33.0c, while Mumbai Colaba is 31.4c, lowest maximum in state. Ratnagiri at 19.2c (minimum showed the largest deviation at -5.1c below normal.

Karachi had brief thundershowers on Monday, recording 23 mms ...and Hyderabad (Sindh) with a high at 30c recorded 7 mms in the day. Nokkundi gauged 30 mms.

....see pics on Inter Active Page 

Sunday Post:
All ok as per our last weekend forecast, permitting us to move into the next week now....

We see A-2 approaching Western and Southern Pakistan. The induced low over Oman will move NE, and cross the Sindh coast on Monday. The low will then merge with the WD trough, also alighned towards the NE direction.

Hence, on Monday 8th April, we see precipitation in Southern Sindh region, and due to the Low, we see a light "spill over" of rains into the Western most parts of Gujarat (Kutch). 
Karachi gets thundershowers with Westerly winds gusting. Sukkar can get a dust storm or thunderstorm on Monday night.
Thundershowers prevail in Southern kerala. In the NE, Shillong hills can get the thundershower.

Heat in Vidharbh and adjoining AP.
On Tuesday 9th, the precipitation moves NE into Central Sindh in North Pakistan and in India, Kashmir, Punjab, West Haryana and Northern Rajasthan. It seems that thundershowers will occur in all North Rajasthan and West Haryana and Punjab. High clouds obscure sky in Delhi NCR. 
Islamabad gets showers, alongwith cities in Central and upper Sindh, and Pakistan Punjab.
Hot and above 40c in Vidharbh region and adjoining AP.

Heat moves into Southern UP:
Wednesday,10th and A-2  moves NE and rains decrease in Pakistan. Moves into the Northern Hills of India. We see precipitation in Kashmir, HP and Punjab. 
Though cloudy weather for Haryana and Delhi NCR, i do not think any meaningful rains will occur.
In the NE , Meghalaya gets thundershowers and Kerala in the South. Thunder activity continues in West Vidharbh also.
Hot, and above 42c in Vidharbh, adjoining AP, Chattisgarh and Orissa. Above 40c region spreads to North MP and adjoining UP.
Southern UP regions may be in the heat wave grip, with temperatures over 40c.

Thursday 11th, and A-2 has moved away. NE thundershowers intensify. Some local thundershower active in Southern most MP and South Bihar. Not much rainfall seen in the Sub-Continent on Thursday.
The odd thunder activity is possible in Northern Mah districts of Jalgaon and Akola, and adjoining Southern most MP.

City Forecast for next 4 days, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th April: Nights getting Warmer.

Mumbai: Sunny weather, with some clouds in the morning hours. Day and night range at Scruz will be 32/33 and 22c. Colaba warms up at night to 25c.
Outer townships will continue in the 36/37 range, with nights getting warmer by 2/3c from current range.

Pune : Very sunny and warm..staying steady around 38/39c, but nights warming up to 19/20c levels from the current 16/17c.

Delhi NCR: Chances of some light rain (traces) in some parts on Tuesday Night or Wednesday morning. Days will get hotter from Wednesday, maybe touching 38/39c.

Surat: Sunny and clear, with the days at 35/36c. Nights rising to 24c.

Kolkata: Getting warmer, and possibly touching 40/41c by Tuesday.

Nagpur: Very hot days, around 42/43c. Extra precautions against heatstroke advised. Evenings on Tuesday/Wednesday may get cloudy and making the night temperature rise to 25/26c.


Abhijit Modak said...

Some cities max temp for today dated 07-04-2013.

Maharashtra cities max temp for today :

Mumbai max temp for today : Santacruz 32c, Colaba 32.3c
Pune 37c
Nagpur 41.2c
Akola 42c
Solapur 41.3c
Aurangabad 38.6c
Nashik 36.4c
Panji 33.5c
Ratnagiri 33.9c

Delhi max temp for today : S' Jung 37c, Palam 38c

Rajkot max temp 38c & Surat max temp 35.8c today

Chennai max temp for today : NGBKM 35.6c, MNBKM 37.8c

Kodaikanal max temp 21.7c for today

Bangalore max temp 36.8c today

Kolkata max temp for today : Alipore 38.4c, Dum Dum 37.8c

Abhijit Modak said...

Today morning min temp bit got reduce in Mumbai, Pune & Nashik belt.

Mumbai SCZ min temp 19.2c
Pune min temp 15.1c
Nashik 16c

Karjat AWS 17.5c
Badlapur 19c

Vijayanand said...

Temperature touched 36.8 in bangalore yesterday. Its very hot. Hopefully let this week things should change.

Vijayanand said...

Temperature touched 36.8 in bangalore yesterday. Its very hot. Hopefully later this week things should change.

Memories of the Past said...

More than 25 mm of rain is recorded in different areas of Karachi.

Anonymous said...

SCZ pips Mahabaleshwar to be the coolest city in Maharashtra today(8th april)..Whats Happening?

Even mornings in SCZ cooler thn Mahabaleshewar today..Nice and comfy feel today morning at SCZ ..
(Mahabaleshwar.. 32.7 /19.8).. (SCZ..32 /19.2)

Coolest ..Hottest on 8th April 2013 ( 24 hrs ended 8.30 am)-

In maharashtra : Coolest - SCZ (32/19.2) ..Hottest - Chandrapur (43/26.2)..

Anonymous said...

v r looking at some sort of record here for SCZ -
1) for sub 20 c min temp recorded so late(8th april) ,after onset of summer..
2) SCZ max as well as min cooler than Mahabaleshwar in summer..

Anonymous said...

Andhra Pradesh(the warmest state of India) continues to be hot and sizzling as predicted by vagaries:

Hottest : Cuddapah (Kadapa) ..43/30 ..Coolest : Chintapalle AWS..33/18.5..
14 out of 31 stations at 40 or 40+ .. 29 out of 31 staions at 35 or 35+..

Highest daily range on 8th april(24 hrs ending 8.30 am) -
Phulbani,Orissa - 38.5 /13.8..

Anonymous said...

Highest daily range on 8th april(24 hrs ending 8.30 am) -
Phulbani,Odisha - 38.5 /13.8.. (24.7)

The following places also recorded high daily ranges ..
Ahmadnagar (40/17) , Satara (39/16),Pune(37/15.1),Karjat AWS(38.8/17.5) -Maha ;
..Sambalpur(41.4/19.3),Baripada40.8/19) -Odisha

Hottest in Orissa : Bhubaneshwar ..42/26 .. Coolest : Udayagiri AWS..36.4/14.2..(on the coast: Gopalpur..31.6/24.3)

Abhijit Modak said...

Some cities max temp for today dated 08-04-2013.

Maharashtra cities max temp for today :

Mumbai max temp for today : Santacruz 32.8c, Colaba 31.4c & Vagaries 30.6c
Pune 38.3c
Nagpur 42.8c
Akola 42c
Solapur 42.1c
Aurangabad 39.2c
Nashik 36.5c
Panji 34.2c
Ratnagiri 34c

Delhi max temp for today : S' Jung 37.5c

Rajkot max temp 35.5c & Surat max temp 35.1c today

Kolkata max temp for today : Alipore 39.6c, Dum Dum 39.2c

Chennai max temp for today : NGBKM 34.1c, MNBKM 36.3c

Kodaikanal max temp 22c for today

Bangalore max temp 36c today

Anonymous said...

Humidity levels in and around Mumbai region today ..
1) CLB ..(on the coast)- 60% to 90+ %
2) SCZ ..(4 kms from coast)- 50 % to 95 %
3) Thane ..(14 kms from coast)- 30% to 95+%
4) Karjat..(40 kms from coast)- 12 % to 70+%
..lee of Ghats..Talegaon (80 kms from coast)- 10 % to 55 %
..western deccan..Pune(95 kms from coast)- 8% to 65 %

Anonymous said...

Today in Mumbai region : (daily range from 7.9 to 22.6)..clear with deep blue skies..

1) SCZ (32.8/19.2)..heat index 35.9 ..2) Colaba (31.4/23.5)..HI .. 36..
3) Thane AWS (37.7/21.6)..HI..38..4) Badlapur (37/19)..HI ..37..
5) Karjat AWS (40.1 / 17.5) ..HI..38..

At 2.30 pm ,Humidity at Karjat had dropped to around 12% and at Pune was 8%..Humidity at Karjat has climbed to 36% at 5.30 pm ..

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile on the lee of ghats at Talegaon(AWS)..35.9/17.6 ..HI ..33,
On the western deccan plateau at Pune ..38.3/15.1. .HI ..35..
At 5.30 pm,Humidity at Talegaon is 19% and Pune is around 12%..

Unknown said...

Roaring 40's in some maha cities for today:-
Nagpur 42.8c
Akola 42c
Solapur 42.1c
AMRAOTI -42.8c
GONDIA- 41.1c
WASHIM -40.0c
WARDHA -42.9c
RAIPUR - 41.0c

Rajesh said...

Todays highs given in comments by Abhijit,Rohit and Puneet

Unknown said...

Some more 40's of yesterday:-

Bankura -42.1
Gaya- 40.4
Titlagarh -42.2
Varanasi -41.4
Nanded -41.5
Sangli -41.6
Satara -40.8
Bellary -41.6
Durg -40.2

emkay said...

Heard Palghat in Kerala also reported a 40+ yesterday

Unknown said...


GONDIA- 42.1
RAIPUR - 41.7
Mana Airport-41.6
SAGAR -40.8
BHOPAL -40.2
SATNA- 40.2
Churu -40.1

Abhijit Modak said...

Some more cities max temp for today dated 09-04-2013.

Akola 42.6c
Solapur 41.7c
Aurangabad 40.1c
Nashik 39c
Panji 33c
Ratnagiri 32.6c

Delhi max temp for today : S' Jung 37.8c, Palam 39.8c

Rajkot max temp 36.5c & Surat max temp 37.4c today

Chennai max temp for today : NGBKM 34c, MNBKM 35.1c

Kodaikanal max temp 21.6c for today

Bangalore max temp 35.6c today

Kolkata max temp for today : Alipore 39.2c, Dum Dum 39.6c

Unknown said...

Seems like there is a dust storm over Mumbai today. Similar event happened last year in March...


ya it seems so

Abhijit Modak said...

Some Maharashtra cities max temp for today :

Mumbai: Santacruz 32.6c, Colaba 31.6c & Vagaries 31.3c
Pune 37.9c
Nagpur 43.2c
Akola 41.7c
Solapur 40.5c
Aurangabad 39.5c
Nashik 36.9c
Panji 32.8c
Ratnagiri 32.2c

Kolkata max temp for today : Alipore 38.6c, Dum Dum 38.2c

Delhi max temp for today : S' Jung 37c

Rajkot max temp 36.3c & Surat max temp 36.2c today

Chennai max temp for today : NGBKM 33.6c, MNBKM 34.3c

Kodaikanal max temp 21.4c for today

Bangalore max temp 35.4c today

Unknown said...

Some cities of india above 40's for today.

AKOLA -41.7
GONDIA -40.3
NAGPUR -43.2
SAGAR -40.1

Unknown said...

Yesterday,BANKURA in WB recorded the maximum temperature of 44.5 c,which is highest till now in india.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...