Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 14th June...Evening Post:

"Biparjoy", Very Severe Cycclone now at 21.9N and 66.5E...position CIMSS Image👇

Winds estimated at 140-150 kmph . Tracking NNE towards the India/Pakistan Border.

Gujarat Alert issued in morning post below. 👇

Biparjoy rainfall to Gujarat.

Karachi: Very squally winds and rough seas on 15th/16th. Moderate rainfall for 2 days Heavy rains in Southern Sindh adjoining Kutch.



* No proper Monsoon advace till 19th.! Monsoon current is shallow and needs to be established deeply.

* In terms of rainfall , we are yet to see proper Monsoon

*Large scale circulation shifts are happening in the background

* Hence,"On/Off" showers with warm umid days at 34c and "Real Feel"  at 38c. 


* Partly cloudy, with gusty winds. Some rains in patches. No proper monsoon advance seen till 19th.

Farmer's Note: SambhajiNagar(Aurangabad) District: No proper Monsoon till 19th at least. But very windy (adding to dehumidfying the soil) and warm/hot days . around 38c. No rushing into sowing seeds next few days.

शेतकऱ्याची नोंद: संभाजीनगर(औरंगाबाद): किमान 19 तारखेपर्यंत योग्य पाऊस नाही. पण खूप वादळी (माती कोरडेपणा वाढवते) आणि उबदार/गरम दिवस. सुमारे 38c.बियाणे पेरणीसाठी घाई करू नका


sset said...

Cyclone will fill june quota of rains for Gujarat Rajasthan.
It is ironical with no heating over Rajasthan due to continues wd rains, still cyclone is impacting gujarat Rajasthan

sset said...

The accumulated energy of the very severe cyclone Biporjoy, that’s expected to make landfall at 5pm June 15, 2023 along the port of Jakhau in Kutch, is the highest in the pre-monsoon season in the north Indian Ocean since 1982.

The accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) combines cyclone intensity and duration.

Biporjoy’s ACE is 23.6 square knots, which has surpassed the April 2019 Cyclone Fani and May 2020 Cyclone Amphan, whose ACEs were 21.96 and 19.75 respectively, Vineet Kumar, a research scientist at Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National University in South Korea, told Down To Earth.

ACE of the May 2023 Cyclone Mocha was 15.2, according to the Colorado State University.

When all the months are considered, Cyclone Biporjoy takes the second spot behind Cyclone Kyaar in 2019 with 24.71 square knots. The 2015 Cyclone Chapala with an ACE of 23.41 square knots and the 2007 Cyclone Gonu with an ACE of 19.62 square knots took the third and fourth place, respectively.

  23rd Morning: