Monday, March 31, 2014


MARCH .. 1ST HALF (1-15 MARCH) ..2ND HALF ( 16-31 MARCH) ..

I Recommend A Must See for All meteorologists....1st Images from New NASA/JAXA GPM Rainfall Measuring Satellite Capture Tropical Cyclone in 3D...See on Space News Page

Read more:

Many City forecasts of India and Pakistan for 1st, 2nd and 3rd April on Current Weather Page...Heat increasing form 4th April to more regions...

Friday, March 28, 2014

ENSO and its effect on the South West Monsoon: Images to Illustrate Narration Newly Added

Basically, the South West Monsoon advances and covers the entire Sub Continent region in June and completes its advance around early July.
Now, these advancing parameters and criteria are not linked or affected by the El Nino or the La Nina.                               vagaries

The advancing parameters are initiated from the South Indian Ocean, and are largely influenced by the Mascrene Highs between Madagascar and Australia.
Other parameters, which largely influence the advance is the seasonal low over the sub continent and the pressure gradient thus created. Many of the initial parameters are discussed in the Vagaries' Monsoon Watch Series, which are found in the Archives Page of this blog.
The ENSO factors affect the subsequent performance of the Monsoon rains.

In an El -Nino year, the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the Peru Coast in South American Continent heats up by 2/4c. Now, as a result, the Central Pacific Ocean , roughly where the "tongue" of the heated waters end, rise, and form rain bearing clouds, and precipitation in the Central Pacific Region. 
El- Nino induced warm zones in the Pacific cause the warm air over them to rise and initiate circulation cells. Such cells along northern Australia, Indonesia and the eastern edge of the Indian Ocean could have their down draft sides over a nascent monsoon circulation cell in the Indian Ocean, which would disrupt Monsoon Depression  formation, causing poor monsoon rains over the subcontinent. 
Thus, there is a marked reduction in Typhoons and Depressions forming. Consequently, in an El Nino year, we would expect lesser depressions and lows forming in the Bay. This sequence  implies that El Nino years should coincide with deficient monsoon rains.

Normally, when in a neutral or La Nina year, the waters normally heat up towards the far West of the Pacific Ocean, rain bearing clouds are formed much to the West and near the Philippines.

Now, Typhoons and Lows forming from these regions travel West, and send Low pulses into the Bay. These are the "life giving" depressions in the Bay which criss- cross across the Indian regions.

But, that does not mean lower rainfall all over the Sub Continent. Absence of Lows from the Bay will keep the WDs active, and may increase the number of WDs crossing the Northern Regions even till July/August. This has happened, when the Lows from the Bay do not "interfere" and WDs are given a "free hand".

But, the above sequence may not necessarily happen, and sometimes, even in an El Nino year, the Central Regions of India get good rains from Line of Wind Discontinuity forming from localised heat developments. Deeps troughs in the jet streams could bring or create UAC in the Gujarat regions, even in an El Nino year.
So, all El -Nino years are not bad for Monsoons.This Graphical Plotting from IITM, shows  the inconsistency of 130  years..

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ENSO...and Developing El-Nino 2014

El niño is Spanish for "the boy", and the term El Niño refers to the Christ child, Jesus, because periodic warming in the Pacific near South America is usually noticed around Christmas.
El Niño events tend to begin in early Summer (Northern Spring), mature during Summer and Late Summer (Autumn), then begin to decay in Winter (of the Northern Hemisphere), with the event generally ending in the Spring (or early Summer) of the following year. The greatest impact normally occurs during the Summer period.

El Niño  is a band of anomalously warm ocean water temperatures that periodically develop off the Pacific coast of South America. 
El Niño is defined by prolonged warming in the Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures when compared with the average value. The accepted definition is a warming of at least 0.5°C (0.9°F) averaged over the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean.  During El Niño years, the trade winds weaken and the central and eastern tropical Pacific warms up. This change in ocean temperature sees a shift in cloudiness and rainfall from the western to the central tropical Pacific Ocean.
Typically, this anomaly happens at irregular intervals of two to seven years, and lasts nine months to two years

ENSO is the oscillation between El Niño and La Niña conditions.

The first signs of an El Niño are:
Rise in surface pressure over the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, and Australia
Fall in air pressure over Tahiti and the rest of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean
Trade winds in the south Pacific weaken or head east
Warm air rises near Peru, causing rain in the northern Peruvian deserts
Warm water spreads from the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean to the east Pacific. It takes the rain with it, causing extensive drought in the western Pacific and rainfall in the normally dry eastern Pacific.

Current Year Situation:
Trade Winds:Westerly wind anomalies are present over the western tropical Pacific, and a reversal of the trade winds (i.e. winds becoming westerly in the equatorial region) in the western Pacific has extended east to the Date Line; this is the first time this has occurred since the 2009–10 El Niño.

During El Niño events there is a sustained weakening of the trade winds.

SST: SST in the last 2 weeks have risen in the Nino 3 and NINO 3.4 regions by about 0.5c..while NINO 4 shows no change.
Report of Bur. of Met (Austrailia) states: "While, due to the changes in the trade winds mentioned above, the Sub Surface Sea temperatures have started rising.This pool of warmer-than-average water reached more than 5 °C above average around 150 m depth in the central Pacific." 
If this pool of warmer-than-average sub-surface water rises to the surface in the eastern tropical Pacific this may lead to surface warming and the formation of an El Niño.

SOI: Having peaked at +14 recently, the SOI values have started falling,  and averaged -12.6 by 23rd March..--the lowest 30-day value since March 2010— Having fallen thus, we are steading towards a El-Nino situation.

Cloudiness Report From BoM Australia: "Cloudiness near the Date Line has generally been above average from late February.
Cloudiness along the equator, near the Date Line, is an important indicator of ENSO conditions, as it typically increases (negative Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) anomalies) near and to the east of the Date Line during an El Niño event and decreases (positive OLR anomalies) during a La Niña event."

Indications and current developments show a fast development of the El-Nino...and as per the various models, may reach a full fledged El-Nino status by August 2014.

Vagaries analysing the current developments sees a faster than normal rise in Central Pacific Sea Temperatures. As the sub surface heating has commenced, and is already showing anomally of 5c, may hasten the surface heating by 1/2c 
El-Nino threatens to show up by June/July ...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Posting EL-Nino Post and current situation on blog tonite at 11 pm sure to read and give your views on its effect on our Monsoon..
Overnight Rains in Oman and Dubai..Rainfall as on Wednesday Morning:
1     Sohar Majis (Oman)     13.4 mm
2     Buraimi (Oman)     13.0 mm
3     Qumaira (Oman)     10.6 mm
4     Sunaynah (Oman)     9.2 mm
5     Diba (Oman)     7.6 mm
6     Saiq (Oman)     2.6 mm
7     Ibri (Oman)     2.0 mm
8     Ras Al Hadd (Oman)     1.2 mm
9     Rustaq (Oman)     1.2 mm
10     Qalhat (Oman)     1.0 mm
11     Nizwa (Oman)     0.8 mm
12     Fahud (Oman)     0.6 mm
13     Khasab Airport (Oman)     0.6 mm
14     Duqm (Oman)     0.2 mm
15     Qaboos Port (Oman)     0.2 mm
16     Seeb, International Airport (Oman)     0.2 mm

Dubai Airport    11 mms

Dubai Night temperature was 19.8c and Muscat 21c..

Note on El-Nino on Wednesday Night (tonite)..

Posted Tuesday Night:

On Tuesday, the Hottest Place in India was Anantpur at 39.9c, followed by Kurnool at 39c. Incidently, Anantpur  was the hottest in Asia.

Much more comfortable, in Pakistan, the hottest place was Chorre at 34.6c.

Its drizzling in Muscat since Tuesday evening...Light rains commenced at about 7.30 pm. and an overcast day kept the day's high at 25c...7c below normal.

Dubai too is seeing light rains from 7 pm on Tuesday, though a clear afternoon topped the hight at 33c.

Kathmandu was partly cloudy , with the days high at 26.7c and a low of 10c..and traces of rain in the day on Tuesday.

As on Tuesday, Kasmir and HP received good precipitation. Banihal received 34 mms of rain while Gulamarg got 2.6 cms of snow. The minimum being -2c and days high at 2.8c. . Pahalgam saw a high of 7c and a low of 0.6c with 19 mms precipitation.
In Srinagar, the days high on Monday was 9.5c with Tuesdays low at 5.7c.
In HP, 54 mms of rain/snow lashed Manali, which managed a high of 9.6c and a low of 0.8c. Shimla received 18 mms precipitation with the days high at only 10c, and low at 6c. Kalpa temperature ange was between 11c and 0c, with 7 mms rain/snow.

Last Week's average Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in the Sub_continent


Rainy Days ahead for Muscat and Dubai...An extended Low will bring rains and cool weather to Muscat and Dubai from Tuesday evening thru Friday...

Posted Sunday 23rd, Night:

M-3, now as an Upper Air Trough over the North Pakistan/Kashmir region, is supported by an induced Low over the North Rajasthan region. 
M-3, would move East, and the induced Low would withdraw its support after Monday Night, reducing the rains in the plains to almost "nil" by Tuesday. 

Even as M-33 moves Eastwards, heavy rains expected on Monday 24th in Northern Pakistan and Kashmir, HP. 
Islamabad, though not getting much rain on Sunday, will get showers on Monday 24th. As around 20 mms fall, the day will be cooler at around 19c on Monday. Rains reduce on Tuesday.
Karachi will be partly cloudy. Would expect overcast conditions from Wednesday 26th, and possibly light rains in some parts on Wednesday/Thursday.

Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi NSR get showers on Monday.
Delhi NCR can get a sharp Thunder Shower on Monday evening. Parts of Delhi could receive around 5 mms on Monday evening/night.
Still, days will not exceed 31c till Wednesday 26th, and rise a couple of degrees on Thursday 27th, maybe around 33c.

Mumbai, usual. Sunny and Clear. The NW winds will maintain the day temperatures to around 33/34c. Not expected to heat up much temperature wise, as the humidity will increase next few days.
Pune: Not so encouraging news, as we can "safely" expect the mercury to touch 38/39c by Thursday. Consolation factor: Nights will remain pleasant to around 18/19c in the beginning of the week.

Light isolated rain likely in parts of Marathwada (Maharashtra) on Tuesday 26th/Wednesday 27th.

As the system around Bengal weaken, little chance of a thunder shower popping up around Kolkata vicinity on Monday. Tuesday onwards weather remains dry. Day temperatures shooting up suddenly from Wednesday, possibly to 38c.

Bangalore: Not common to this city, the days will be sunny and hot, at around 36c next 4 days. However, nights will remain clear and around 21c.
Temperatures are expected to cross 40c in parts of Interior Andhra Pradesh. Parts of Northern Tamil Nadu will also see temperatures around 38-40c.
Hyderabad (India): Would expect light clouds. Days would be hot around 37/38c.

True to vagaries' forecast, Parts of Kolkata received thunder showers on Sunday evening...Vagarian Santosh has managed to take a superb Pic of a bolt ...On Inter Active Page
World Meteorological Day 2014
Weather and climate: engaging youth

This year's World Meteorological Day theme is “Weather and climate: engaging youth....The involvement of Youth and Youngsters has always been encouraged by vagaries...In fact, Youth are the Back bone of Vagaries. 
Vagaries thanks all, Young and Old, for bringing weather awareness to the common people and carrying the Message of Weather.

Weather and climate know no borders. The world needs global cooperation....WMO

World Meteorological Day is celebrated every year on 23 March to commemorate the entry into force in 1950 of the convention that created the World Meteorological Organization. The day also highlights the huge contribution that National Meteorological and Hydrological Services make to the safety and well-being of society.

This year's World Meteorological Day theme is “Weather and climate: engaging youth." Today’s youth will benefit from the dramatic advances being made in our ability to understand and forecast the Earth’s weather and climate. At the same time, most of them will live into the second half of this century and experience the increasing impacts of global warming. WMO encourages young people to learn more about our weather and climate system and to contribute to action on climate change.


HEAT INDEX : CHENNAI @43..KOLKATA @ 41 ..DELHI @ 33..MUMBAI SCZ @ 32..PUNE @ 33 ..

..dated 22 Mar 2014..

Maharashtra temp .. 22 Mar 2014..24 hrs ending 5.30 pm ..
Lowest daytime temp : Mumbai CLB @ 28.4 c 
..Lowest temp : Shirdi @12.1c , Highest : Nagar @ 38.4 c ..

Friday, March 21, 2014

Follow up report on Yesterday's ( Friday's) Post:
M-3 approaching and moving East with an Induced Low..Precipitation more in West Pakistan and parts of the North. Will increase from tomorrow as mentioned... Islamabad was cloudy with 27c as the high...
Should move into more regions as estimated yesterday..

Central regions of W.Bengal got the thunder showers as predicted..Bankura measured 2mms till 8.30 pm Saturday.
Kolkata should get the thunder shower on Sunday as predicted..
the Satellite image and Doppler aptly shows the Saturday showers...

Mumbai was very comfortable with 28.6c as the high at Colaba and 30.4c at Scruz
Hottest in India was 41.2c, and Some Southern India Hot Spots of Saturday, 

In Pakistan, Nawabshah was hottest at 37c.

Weekend, 22nd and 23rd March sees much of the rains from M-3 in Pakistan. Balochistan and Upper Sindh regions will start getting precipitation from this weekend, gradually increasing from Sunday evening....
Rainy Saturday and Sunday with intermittent rains for Islamabad..Days dropping to 24c.
Rains in Kashmir, HP and plains of Punjab and Haryana commence from Sunday, as M-3 moves Eastwards.
Delhi NCR skies getting cloudy on Sunday with the possibility of a thunder shower.

In West Bengal, thunder showers will occur this weekend, concentrating in the Central regions of the state.
Kolkata may see a thunder shower on Sunday.

Mumbai will see fair weather, with NW winds in the evenings, the days may be around 33/34c, a few notches better than last few days...expected to see a fall from next Tuesday/Wednesday.

from Rohit

Visit to Mahableshwar in Pics ( 10th March 2014 - 13th March 2014)..visited the Met Office there. Inter acted with the Scientists there from Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (Pune)....Brief Report with Pics on Inter Active Page

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Friday Morning:
Mumbai temperatures remain in the expected range exactly ...max at colaba at 31c and Scruz at 34c..even min today was 20c at Scruz and 22c at Colaba. Pune pleasant at 16.9c on Friday morning.
And Delhi falls short of a degree from prediction, touches 29.2c, with the minimum at 14.5c.
In Pakistan, Islamabad rises to 27.5c, but Sindh remains cooler than expected. Karachi maintains the day at 31c, while Chorre highest at 37.5c...
weekend forecast and situation tonite..

Visit to Mahableshwar in Pics ( 10th March 2014 - 13th March 2014)..visited the Met Office there. Inter acted with the Scientists there from Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (Pune)....Brief Report with Pics on Inter Active Page

Posted Tuesday 18th March  Evening: Forecast and scene for the next 3 days:

M-2: Moves away Eastwards, and leaves a trail of heavy rains and snow in the Northern regions of Pakistan and Northern hilly states of India. Some rain showers in Northern plains also.

Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th  and Friday 21st, we see some light rains in the extreme North of Pakistan and adjoining Kashmir. Some localised thunder showers here from the moisture carried forward from the back to back two WDs.
Overall, rains decreasing in intensity in the Northern regions.
Islamabad, with sunny skies, slowly rising to around 26/27c.
Karachi remains sunny, and getting to around 34c next few days. Regions around Nawabshah, Chorr and Mithi in Sindh may see the mercury touching 40c.

Delhi NCR and Northern Plains will be dry with strong winds. Days will be sunny and hazy. Day temperatures expected to rise marginally, and nights to remain pleasant. Delhi will see the days just going above the 30c mark by Thursday,but nights pleasant around 15c.

Northerly winds will be sweeping the Upper Northern Parts of India, but meet with the upcoming South winds somewhere along Maharashtra between the 15N and 20N areas. 
Hence clouds possible with some spotty thunder showers could pop up along the interior Mah areas next 2/3 days. 
Mumbai, due to the N/NW winds in the afternoon and evening, will have the heat restricted to 34c (Scruz) and around 31/32c at Colaba. Even nights will drop a few degrees to around 19/20c.
Pune will continue to see some clouds popping up for a few more days. But, a fall in the night temperature possible, pleasant around 17/18c.

Eastern end of the Line of Wind Discontinuity formed, will see some localised instability. Here, along the Bengal coast and Bangladesh coast, some thunder showers could be possible.
Chances of a shower in Kolkata on Wednesday or Thursday in some parts.

An Easterly wave has gathered some strength, and moving Westwards. 
Next 3 days, Heavy falls expected in Sri Lanka and Southern tip of India. Kanyakumari and Tuticorin regions of TN can get showers. Southern parts of Kerala will get thunder showers.

Rains clearing and decreasing in Kathmandu from Wednesday. Days being clear , will surpass the 30c mark.

Friday, March 14, 2014

First Place to Cross 40c in the Sub Continent..Barmer on 16th March 2014...for previous years records of first 40c, see vagaries Extreme Blog here

God's Own Country(Kerala,India) was hot .. Temp in C .. . 24 hrs ending 8.30 am ..17 Mar 2014..
and Mumbai Surroundings Temperature on Holi Day, 16th March 2014...on Rohit's Page

Day wise Rain fall amounts in Maharashtra in the 20 day Hailstorm Deluge...Specially prepared for Vagaries by Pradeep John..

Top - 10

  1. Lakhani ~ 240
  2. Ballarpur ~ 200
  3. Deulgaonraja  ~ 170
  4. Telhara ~ 160
  5. Lonar ~ 150
  6. Palam ~ 150
  7. Umerkhed  ~ 150
  8. Parbhani ~ 150
  9. Manora  ~ 150
  10. Digras ~ 150

Analysis of Hailstorms in Maharashtra in March...

Interior Maharashtra and particularly Marathwada, adjoining MP and parts of North Interior Karnataka had devastating and violent hailstorms and thunderstorms  from the beginning of March. Almost continuous, and daily, hailstorms the size of tennis balls have damaged to nothing vast tracks of fields and killed many small animals and countless birds. Reports have been put up in vagaries.
The reason for this non stop rains and storms is something likened to the April "pre Monsoon" conditions, technically speaking.
A Line of  Wind Discontinuity formed in the North-South Direction across the region. Now, this perpendicular LWD is actually a pre monsoon parameter for the central Peninsula regions. At this LWD, the meeting of Eastern and Western airs create instability in the middle and upper atmosphere. 
An UAC persisted on the Northern edge of the LWD...

Besides, we have seen the "freezing Line" in the upper atmosphere come down to below normal heights. 
Even the 850 hp level, was at 12-15c, and the freezing level fell to 600 hp. 
Humidity in the upper atmosphere was high, as two moisture laden winds were clashing in the LWD regions. Coupled with low temperatures,Instability, and lower temperatures in the upper airs, created hails in the Cb clouds. 
Convection occurs faster and more violent storms are formed in such conditions. 

Some Maharashtra cities rainfall in mms from 01-03-2014 to 14-03-2014 period as per IMD data:( Figures provided by Abhijit Modak)
Chandrapur 138
Parbhani 119
Yeotmal 91
Aurangabad 76
Nanded 71
Osmanabad 67
Solapur 65
Wardha 61
Buldhana 59
Malegaon 56
Amravati 56
Akola 41
Ahmednagar 51
Nagpur 36
Brahmapuri 31
Satara 28
Pune AP 25
Nashik 16
Jeur 15
Sangli 13
Jalgaon 12
Pune 4
Alibaug & Mahabaleshwar 1

All figures way, way above normal. Normal for most stations is around 5 mms.
Raining in Muscat on Sunday, 16th March 2014...and Snow in Ibri, Oman...see pics from there on Inter Active Page..

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The season's strongest spell crippled life in Jammu & Kashmir for the third consecutive day. Most places recorded more than 100 mm during the past 3 days. Few places got above 200 mm also. Jammu-Srinagar national highway remained closed for the third consecutive day disrupting the link between Kashmir & rest of the country. Banihal recorded 235 mm of rain/snow during the past 3 days. The heaviest rain/snow occurred during the past 24 hours in J&K.

Vagaries had forewarned of heavy precipitation and damage in the Sunday post..and also cautions of approaching M-2...

Himachal Pradesh also got good amount of rain/snow from this western disturbance. Most places got more than 50 mm. Also light to moderate rain/snow continued in Uttarakhand.

In the plains, light to moderate rain continued from the past 48 to 72 hours. Gurgaon in Haryana again got good rain measuring 36 mm from this system. Rest parts of Delhi-NCR also recorded light to moderate rain. Safdarjung area also got hail yesterday. The system remained active over Delhi-NCR for 3 days. Amritsar in Punjab also reported good rain. Hailstorms were reported from Punjab, Haryana, Delhi-NCR & West UP.

Here's the precipitation from the system over various parts of the region...
JAMMU & KASHMIR       Banihal   46.50   77.20  110.90  234.60
JAMMU & KASHMIR       Batote   28.40   53.20  115.90  197.50
JAMMU & KASHMIR     Bhaderwah   11.80   48.40   72.40  132.60
JAMMU & KASHMIR      Gulmarg   40.60   34.20   38.00  112.80
JAMMU & KASHMIR       Jammu    9.30   27.10   38.00   74.40
JAMMU & KASHMIR        Katra   24.70   34.00   74.20  132.90
JAMMU & KASHMIR      Kupwara   35.50   45.40   33.20  114.10
JAMMU & KASHMIR     Pahalgam   46.20   44.40  133.40  224.00
JAMMU & KASHMIR     Qazigund   34.40   45.40   84.20  164.00
JAMMU & KASHMIR      Srinagar   46.30   54.80   58.30  159.40
JAMMU & KASHMIR         Leh     **   Trace     **   Trace
HIMACHAL PRADESH      Chamba    8.50   37.00   22.00   67.50
HIMACHAL PRADESH    Dharamsala    2.20   13.40   21.80   37.40
HIMACHAL PRADESH        Kalpa    NIL    7.40   19.10   26.50
HIMACHAL PRADESH      Keylong    4.00   32.00   25.00   61.00
HIMACHAL PRADESH        Kullu    0.30   16.10   11.40   27.80
HIMACHAL PRADESH       Manali    7.00   48.00   18.60   73.60
HIMACHAL PRADESH      Shimla    NIL   35.50    2.70   38.20
HIMACHAL PRADESH       Solan    NIL   25.80    8.40   34.20
HIMACHAL PRADESH   Sundernagar   Trace   10.80    6.00   16.80
UTTARAKHAND       Almora    NIL    1.00   10.00   11.00
UTTARAKHAND     Dehradun    NIL    4.30   19.30   23.60
UTTARAKHAND     Haridwar    NIL    2.00   12.00   14.00
UTTARAKHAND    Joshimath    NIL   13.00   22.20   35.20
UTTARAKHAND    Mukteshwar   Trace    1.20   20.00   21.20
UTTARAKHAND      Mussorie    NIL    8.00    6.00   14.00
UTTARAKHAND     Nainital    NIL    2.00   13.00   15.00
UTTARAKHAND     Pantnagar    NIL   Trace   11.80   11.80
UTTARAKHAND    Pithoragarh    NIL   Trace   10.00   10.00
UTTARAKHAND       Tehri    NIL    6.90   34.40   41.30
PUNJAB      Amritsar    NIL   11.10   11.20   22.30
PUNJAB Anandpur Sahib    NIL    5.00    1.00    6.00
PUNJAB      Jalandhar    NIL    3.00      **    3.00
PUNJAB     Ludhiana    0.70    4.80    2.00    7.50
PUNJAB     Pathankot    NIL   12.00   13.00   25.00
PUNJAB      Patiala    NIL    4.80   Trace    4.80
CHANDIGARH    Chandigarh    NIL   13.70    1.20   14.90
HARYANA      Ambala    NIL    6.30    0.50    6.80
HARYANA      Bhiwani    NIL    2.60    0.20    2.80
HARYANA     Gurgaon    NIL    6.00   30.00   36.00
HARYANA       Hissar    4.10    0.60    1.80    6.50
HARYANA      Narnaul    NIL    NIL   15.00   15.00
HARYANA       Karnal    NIL    2.60   13.80   16.40
HARYANA      Rohtak    NIL    7.00    1.00    8.00
NEW DELHI     Safdarjung    0.80    3.90    9.60   14.30
NEW DELHI       Palam    1.80    1.80    3.80    7.40
RAJASTHAN       Churu   Trace   12.60    NIL   12.60
RAJASTHAN      Jaipur    NIL    1.20    NIL    1.20
RAJASTHAN  Sriganganagar    NIL    2.30    NIL    2.30
UTTAR PRADESH       Agra    NIL   Trace    9.00    9.00
UTTAR PRADESH      Aligarh    1.80    0.20    NIL    2.00
UTTAR PRADESH      Bareilly    NIL    NIL    4.00    4.00
UTTAR PRADESH      Meerut    3.00    5.40    0.30    8.70
UTTAR PRADESH     Moradabad    NIL    1.40    1.40    2.80
UTTAR PRADESH     Allahabad    NIL    NIL    0.10    0.10
UTTAR PRADESH      Bahraich    NIL    NIL    1.40    1.40
UTTAR PRADESH      Jhansi    NIL    NIL   10.70   10.70

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rains continue in Maharashtra on 11.03.2014

The trough extending from Lakshwadeep area to North Interior Karnataka up to 0.9 km above sea level persists. Rains occurred for 15th straight day in Maharashtra.

in mm (min 5 mm)

Sonpet - 40
Osmanabad - 31
Deulgaonraja - 20
Balapur - 20
Mukhed - 20
Gangakhed - 20
Barshitakli - 18
Bhainder - 13
Buldhana - 13
Patas - 12
Ghatanji - 10
Pandharkawada - 10
Khamgaon - 10
Motala - 10
Chihkali - 10
Dharni - 10
Murtizapur - 10
Mangalvedha - 10
Pandharpur - 10
Soegaon - 10
Manjlegaon - 10
Degloor - 10
Khandar - 10
Solapur - 8
Latur - 7
Yeotmal - 6

Mini monsoon as rain continues for 14th straight day in Maharashtra on 10.03.2014

The cyclonic circulation extending upto 1.5 kms a.s.l. lies over south Gujarat and neighborhood. The wind discontinuity from Lakshadweep area to south Gujarat has become less marked. When was the last time it rained so much in Maharashtra ?

in mm (Min 5 mm)

Parbhani - 52
Chandrapur - 45
Mangrulpir - 40
Hingoli - 34
Narkhed - 30
Bhamragad - 30
Babulgaon - 30
Khamgaon - 30
Nanded - 22
Yeotmal - 21
Beed - 20
Junhagadh - 20
Ambejogai - 20
Zari - 20
Zamni - 20
Ghatanji - 20
Sironcha - 20
Etapalli - 20
Aheri - 20
Warora - 20
Gondpipri - 20
Umerkhed - 20
Darwha - 20
Aurangabad - 17
Basmatnagar - 15
Akola - 14
Sholapur - 11
Jeur - 10
Udgir - 10
Bhiwapur - 10
Wani - 10
Pandharka - 10
wada - 10
Mulchera - 10
Chamorshi - 10
Bhadrawati - 10
Mul - 10
Digras - 10
Arni - 10
Karanjalad - 10
Motala - 10
Lohogaon - 9
Latur - 9
Seoni - 8
Osmanabad - 6
Ahmednagar - 6
Jalna - 5
Buldhana - 5
Malegaon - 5

Courtesy : Pradeep John

Below are some video links from ABP Majha News YouTube channel which shows how severely HEAVY THUNDER/ HAIL STORM lashed many parts of Maharashtra on 9th Mar Evening : Please click on below link for to view..

Baramati, Indapur of Pune Dist lashed by severe Hail Storms.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Explaining Very Briefly, M-1 moves into India. Rain and Thunder showers already precipitating by Sunday evening...while Karachi and Nawabshah were warm at 34c, Chorre being high at 35.5c.
Monday and Tuesday,Northern Regions of Pakistan, that is Islamabad and North Punjab regions can expect very heavy showers. With 3 mms today, Islamabad day dropped to 18c, Day temperature may drop to 15c in  Monday. May cause local flooding as downpours will be heavy.
Upper Sindh and Pak Punjab can receive showers and cool days.

Snow expected in Kashmir, and local heavy rains will cause hardships and travel difficult on the mountainous roads. Indian Punjab, Haryana and North Rajastan gat rains from the system too.
Thunder showers expected in Delhi till Wednesday, and may precipitate upto 25 mms acuumulated till Wednesday. Heavy showers for NCR on Tuesday.
And, back to back, M-2 will be approaching by 14th/15th of March.

M-1 spilling into Nepal on Tuesday, with showers in Kathamandu.

Maharashtra Special:
Meteorological conditions for heavy localised hailstorms persist in the Interior Maharashtra and N.I.Karnataka regions for the next 3 days. Regions in the Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada and Vidharbh regions as well as North Interior Karnataka can get the heavy hail storms as has been the case for the lat 8 days.
In fact, conditions show the thunder cells closing in on the North Konkan region, with some places in the North Konkan region getting spotty thunder showers. 

Next 2 days, Mumbai will be stuffy, cloudy and thunder heads developing in the eastern sky. Would expect light rains in some parts. But outer townships can get the showers on Monday or Tuesday.
In fact, seeing the movement of the UAC, it is very possible that showers may encroach into South Konkan, and that would mean damage to mango trees also !
Pune should get the thunder shower in some parts on Monday and Tuesday.

Sharp showers lashed Aurangabad on Sunday night, with 17 mms of rain falling till 11.30 pm IST (Sunday)....Aurangabad can get thunder showers on Monday or Tuesday, but the Eastern regions like Jalna and Buldana can see some heavy damaging rains.

In Marathwada, Parbhani has already accumulated 89 mms this month ( normal 2 mms till 10th), Nanded 50 mms, Osmanabad 37 mms, and Aurangabad 49 mms. Villages around Aurangabad have received between 50-70 mms in March. Lonar received 75 mms in 3 hours on Friday.
Akola region can also expect heavy showers on Monday /Tuesday.

Maharashtra Rain amounts as on 9th March on pradeep's Page

  23rd Morning: