WMO announced that last year was in the top ten hottest years in the Earth's history...or, lets put it in another way, last year was the coolest amongst the top ten hottest years in the Earth's history.
Sounds totally different, doesn't it ?
Earth in a cooling period, says a prominent scientist
Despite the fact that the IPCC predicted that there was going to be a one degree rise of temperature by 2010, it actually got cooler..and its showing, every year.
The cooling effect is observed and measured in spite of anomallies in checking data and closing down of important staions in the colder regions of the world.
It all depends on how a thing is projected...and its the same story with GW...and ,according to the reply put up by my friend Rajan on vagaries, it has something to do with the ban on weather forecasting !
There are no isolated cases, but its persistent since the last 5-10 years at least !And this year is no exception...
What's this ?
Its 2 feet of snow in Seattle !

This is the Killimanjaro Story: Some scientists and environmental activists claim that the mountain’s glaciers could disappear perhaps before the end of the decade, another victim of rising global temperatures.
Athumani Juma, a guide who’s been hiking Mount Kilimanjaro for the past seven years, laughed when asked about the likelihood that Kilimanjaro’s snowcap would soon disappear.
The glaciers are no longer are shrinking, but growing, Juma replied.“Before, we were seeing glaciers melting,” “But from 2010 to now, we have been seeing new glaciers.”
And what's this story from the Middle East ? Middle East ? yes !: Blizzard in northern Israel shuts down Hermon ski resort
Snow fell fast and thick all over the Golan Heights and Mt. Hermon on Sunday, forcing closure of the Mount Hermon ski resort.
Snow also reached the West Bank, where Hebron and the surrounding areas experienced snowfall, which, according to Palestinian reports, caused heavy traffic jams.
From Rajan's blog we see Mid Summer snow in New Zealand...read directly here.
And our own region, the Sub-continent.
Lows of -33c in Darbuk and Shyok (Ladakh).
Leh has plummeted to -22c and Gulmarg -17c this year. Good lows to indiacate a severe winter.These figuresare not uncommon, and they it continue year after year.Warming has not increased nor has it ceased to double freeze.
The southern regions of India showed records go tumbling. Belagaum, Mysore and Medikeri and Adilabad all touched all time lows.There is an unoficial record of a 0c in A.P. However, we know for sure of Adilabad at 3.7c, and Vagaries had put up a pic of Ooty touching 0c some time in December.
What about the "first time" snowfall in Punjab? and Kangra. And snow in the lower reaches of H.P? With Abu freezing at -2.2c ?
Does this mean that once the warmists finish massaging the numbers, this will still be one of the warmest years on record.
Dr Don Easterbrook is a professor emeritus of geology at Western Washington University. He holds a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and PhD in geology, and has studied climate change for 50 years. He is nationally known as a climate-change skeptic
In an interview with Josh Holloway, Easterbrook makes it clear that he believes the Earth is now cooling.
"We’ve had 27 climate changes in the last 400 years: warm, cold, warm, cold. There have been four in this past century that have nothing to do with CO2, because CO2 wasn’t a factor hundreds of thousands of years ago. We know that those are not at all related to CO2. So why would we expect climate change today to be related to CO2?"
The bottom line is.. that global warming ended in 1998. We’ve had no global warming above the temperatures of 1998 since then — despite the fact that the U.N. group Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that there was going to be a one degree rise of temperature by 2010, it actually got cooler.
Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization that said that 2011 ‘ranked tenth among the top ten warm years.’ “Why couldn’t they say it was the coolest of the top ten warm years?" asks Prof. Kelkar.
Every weather or climate event can be construed as evidence of climate change and then blamed on mankind.Warmists claimed "Heavy Snow In Oregon is 'a sure sign of global warming" -- 'In 2010, David Suzuki told us that the lack of snow in Vancouver was a sure sign of global warming'
Rebuttal: 'There are absolutely no weather conditions which could occur that would not be attributed to global warming. The climate science community has achieved the pinnacle of confirmation bias'
Land v/s Sea Temperatures:
Latest EU satellite measurements puts sea levels rise at meager 2.7 inch rate by 2100 and NOAA can't find global warming in the oceans.Per the trends, sea levels will be 2.7 inches higher in 2100 with ocean temperatures being lower by -0.5°C.
Professor Muller claimed that the BEST team’s data showed no evidence of a global slowdown in temperature rises. Muller said, “In our data, which is only on the land we see no evidence of its having slowed down. Now the evidence that shows that it has been stopped is a combination of land and ocean data. The oceans do not heat as much as the land because it absorbs more of the heat and when the data are combined with the land data the as other groups have shown it does seem to be levelling off. We have not seen that in the land data.”
“The global temperature standstill of the past decade is obvious in the HadCrut3 data, which is a combination of land and sea surface data. BEST is only land data from nearly 40,000 weather stations.”
But for the alarmists,all is not lost. I have something positive: "the supply of fossil fuels from the Middle East is going to get exhausted soon. That would obviously mean that the problem is solved, whether you want it or not [without fossil fuels, there would be little carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by man].
But that is not something that climate change enthusiasts are willing to consider. Anyone who raises questions like this is termed a heretic.”