Thursday, May 06, 2021

 Posted 6th May Thursday:

The LWD from south Maharashtra to South Kerala has an embedded UAC around North Interior Karnatak.

The LWD is strengthening in south Maharashtra and Interior Karnataka since last few days as mentioned in this blog.


On Friday 7th and on 8th Saturday and Sunday 9th:

Thunder Showers are expected in Interior Maharashtra ( Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada , Vidharbh and South Konkan. and of course Goa

Particularly heavy falls expected in Satara , Kolhapur and Pune Districts and Goa.

Pune to get late thunder showers on 6th (in some parts) and in all areas on 7th, 8th and 9th.

Mumbai : Warm, sultry and very stuffy. Feel of humidity will be more as the Real Feel Temperatures due to high humidity will be 39c. Partly cloudy weather expected. Light drizzles in some parts on Saturday/Sunday evening.

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Temperatures on 13th ... Mumbai Colaba 33°- 21° Santacruz  34°- 20° Pune  29°- 17° Delhi 18.5°-9.6°