Sunday, May 23, 2010

Readings as on 23rd. May:
Hottest in Asia: Sibi and Nawabshah (Both Pakistan): 50c
Hottest in India: Churu (Rajasthan): 47.7
Hottest Nights:Bikaner:32.9c,Chandigarh:32c, Sibi and Larkana(Pakistan):32c

Mumbai day temperatures Colaba:36.0c, Mumbai S'Cruz:34.5c.And 29.2c the minimum.
Next few days, Mumbai will have partly cloudy skies, hot and humid, with nights possibly going upto 30c.


Milind P said...

Today Nagpur recorded 47.3 deg cel, near to all time high of 47.7 likely to cross or equal tommorrow may be due to strong north westerlies bet 800mb and 500mb.....I am impressed by your knowledge of Meteorology and visiting your blog twice or thrice in a day......Milind Phadke +919890317557

Rajesh said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Milind. Nobody can be perfect in this field. Its Nature.And me too am still a student.
Nagpur a few notches away from the record. But I hope the heat subsides. Away for a few days, shall contact on return.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...