Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mumbai: Its been a unbearably hot week for Mumbai. But, from Dussera ( Thursday 22nd), City will see the day and night temperatures dropping by around 2c...good enough to start with !

This Western Region un-seasonable heat is sizzling covering a Large area:

The heated Western region will show signs of diminishing temperatures initially from 22nd October, and then substantially from 25th October.

Weather changing in a few days...Northern Region Winter Soon:
As explained on 17th (comments), from 24th,a WD (O-3) will engage itself in the Northern Sub Continent, and bring precipitation to Kashmir, HP, Punjab, Haryana, ( Parts of) Delhi and North Rajasthan, Western U.P. and parts of Uttarakhand. 
Srinagar gets rains from 24th, and colder days. The day's high could go into single digit on Sunday 25th. 
Snow expected in the mid hills of Kashmir (Gulmarg, Pahalgam) and upper reaches of H.P.

Also, from 24th, Northern Pakistan, that is Pak Punjab will get good precipitation. Sharp drop in temperatures .

O-3 should last for 3 days...some possibility of rains coming South towards Central Sindh and Kutch (No commitment at this stage).

NEM wait continues..We see some hopes towards this Month End..a strong "push" likely to bring the current arond 28th/29th...spreading much rain in entire southern Peninsula (Bringing some clouds and showers to South Mah ?)


Vinod Desai said...

It seems this heat wave is worst we have seen ever...Sir why is this heatin october month.

SVT said...

It seems that South Arabian sea might host low pressure area start of next week. It going to be interesting to see whether full fledged low forms and which direction it goes.

Unknown said...

Sir,I want weather in Houston us.and I am coming back roha konkan .please give forecast of both the regions

Unknown said...

Sir, as per ecmwf, some good precipitation is expectef in j&k in november, any possibility of early snow in srinagar this season?

Vishal said...

Sir , one suggestion/ request can we have sharing option ( Twitter , Facebook ) via single click on our blog ? Will b easy to share on social platforms .


Rajesh said...

vinod: yes, this is a terrible October for Mumbai...continuous East winds preventing the sea breeze and total lack of North winds.

Umer: Kashmir will get good rains/snow from next WD...and Srinagar may get first snow between 20-30 th November.

Vishal: We had this Share option. This option is corrupted as informed to me by the google blog admin. Should be done soon, i hope.

sset said...

If AS low forms as per SVT, what will happen to NEM? SE India will become desert.(already process has started). Somehow myself as common person feel ever long duration of SWM, increase of rains/lows over GUJ/RAJ/MAHA/MP has resulted in gradual weakening of NEM currents and droughts over SE India / Sri Lanka over recent 5 years. (much to annoyance of bloggers).Ultimately nature has to balance quantum of rains (+ / -).
Anyway happy dussera to all.

Unknown said...

Rajesh sir ,can I know that which time mumbai and roha,pen regions will experience cool conditions or rains .if its going to rain then how much?

Shri said...

Happy Dussera to all vagarians..hope the weather god's will show some kindness on Mumbai...a bad monsoon and now this heat is only adding to the woes..:(

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...