Friday, October 02, 2015

Saturday Evening: Thunder Storms lashed many parts of Mumbai City and surrounding Townships...Some rain amounts till 8.30 pm IST Saturday:
Mumbai Central 81 mms (AWS), Sea Link 71 mms (AWS),
Dadar 69 mms (Pvt gauge of Vagarian Salil), Vagaries 55 mms, Deonar 62 mms. Borivali 17.5 mms (Pvt guage of Vagarian Tejas), 

Thane 44 mms (AWS), Panvel (Pvt gauge of Vagarian Junaid) 26 mms, Badlapur (Pvt gauge of Vagarian Abhijit) 71 mms.

Posted Friday Night:
Maharashtra :
Weekend (Saturday /Sunday 3rd/4th October) Estimate for:

Mumbai: Saturday and Sunday will see Thunder showers in many parts of the city and surrounding areas.
Rains reducing from Monday. Monsoon probably withdraws from Mumbai and Pune by around Thursday 8th October.
Pune: Thunder showers in the Late afternoon/evening,heavy in some parts of Pune. Rainfall around 20-25 mms per day.

Aurangabad and Akola Region will get a thunder shower in many areas on Saturday. Thunder shower restricted to a few places on Sunday. Rains reduce and decrease from Monday 5th October. Next week, day temperatures rise and hot days will be experienced.
Soil moisture reduces from Monday as drier winds take over with high temperatures (around 37c).

Heavy showers this weekend in Madhya Maharashtra.

Monsoon may withdraw from complete Maharashtra by 10th October.

Actual Monsoon Performance was 86% ( -14%).

Vagaries estimate on 2nd June (see here post of 2nd June) was 91% +_ 2%...amounting to 89%.
Slightly overestimated (By 3%).


sset said...

Tirumala Tirupathi first heaviest rain since june 2015 -> 70mm !! Not heavy as compared to MAHA/GUJ/RAJ/MP kind of rains - 400mm - 600mm in 24 hrs but atleast it has rained in Rayalseema for auditing purpose (on a lighter note)

NilaY Wankawala said...

Thundering lightening and light rains khar West began at arrd 19.00 hrs

Rajesh said...

Heavy thunder storm at Vagaries (Mahalaxmi/ Haji Ali)...Vagaries measured 36 mms from 6.45 -7.30 still raining...Mumbai Central saw 31 mms in 15 mins from 7 -7.15 ..and 51 mms from 6.45-7.30 pm...Flooding at junctions around Cadbury signal and Parel

NilaY Wankawala said...

Surprisingly western suburbs lacking in rains to the extent it has poured I'm SoBo. It's thundering lightening and raining borivali West too..

NilaY Wankawala said...

Pouring now cats and dogs.. borivali west

Nimish Thaker said...

Raining since 7:00 PM in Vile Parle - Juhu area, lot of lightning and thundering from 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM, still light drizzles going on. I am surprised that considering that these are Monsoon withdrawal showers the temperature does not seem to be going down post the rains.

sset said...

Vageries again precise target - Navi Mumbai raining since afternoon - will cross 100mm - continuous lightening + thunders

sset said...

SWM monsoon withdrawl may get stuck over MAHA - may result in very good gains??

Rajesh said...

Vagaries rainfall from 6.45 pm - 11.30 pm Saturday...62 mms..light rains on now.
Mumbai Central saw 84 mms.

Nimish Thaker said...

Light rains with intermittent thunder still going on at Juhu

Unknown said...

Rajeshji , In last days of rains , want to know rains in catchment area of lakes.any amount will be a news of relief from water cut.

Rawat said...

Meanwhile, in North winter approaching slowly. Mornings have become nippy

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...