Wednesday, July 07, 2021

 Posted 7th July afternoon:

Bay Low forming around 11th A.P./Odisha coast:
Hyderabad will get good heavy showers on 8th, and very heavy rains on 12th/13th. Exceeding 80-90 mms /day.

Monsoon 2021 expected to move into Delhi by 11th July. Thunder Showers expected from 9th .
The Most delayed Monsoon was in 1987...July 26th.

Marginal Revival of Monsoon seen in South Gujarat, Gujarat Region and Saurashtra after 11th July.
Surat and Valsad coast will see better revival from 11th July along with the West Coast revival.

Goa: Occasional regular showers on Thursday & Friday. But frequency and intensity of rainfall increasing after Saturday to almost 30-50 mms/day.

Mumbai forecast: 
Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th July: Warm and humid, Partly cloudy sky with few passing showers (8-10 mm/day on average), 
Friday may see some increase in rainfall. 
Expecting increased thunder rainfall from Saturday/ Sunday into next week. This dry anxious spell will definitely change to typical Mumbai Monsoon weather from Saturday. 

Saturday (10th July) and Sunday (11th July): Rainfall may increase for Mumbai MMR region. Sunday may see some heavy spells ( between 30-70 mm) average. Next week expected to be wet.
Will update weekend weather again on Friday. 

Mumbai Water Suppling Lakes Storage:
  • 18.72%
    Combined live storage across all lakes compared to 11.10% same time last year.
  • 70
    Number of days of supply left in all lakes combined.

Pune : Got the localised Thunder Shower on Tuesday and can get on Wednesday 7th.
Increase in regular rainfall from 10th weekend.

Marathwada ( Aurangabad District) can also get a revival in rainfall from Friday 9th
Thunder Showers expected on 10th /11th.
Please note this dry spell will end by 9th.Soil moisture will improve.
See soil Moisture Map of Marathwada. 2nd Map shows increase in next week.

शुक्रवार 9th तारखेपासून मराठवाडा (औरंगाबाद जिल्हा) येथेही पावसाला पुनरुज्जीवन मिळू शकेल.
10/11 रोजी थंडर शॉवर अपेक्षित आहे.
कृपया लक्षात घ्या की हे कोरडे शब्दलेखन 9 जुलै पर्यंत समाप्त होईल. मृद ओलावा सुधारेल.
मराठवाड्याचा माती ओलावा नकाशा पहा. पुढील आठवड्यात मातीचा ओलावा वाढत आहे.


sanjeev Gokhale said...

Thank You Rajesh sir for your detail update

Unknown said...

Thanks Rajesh for this detailed update.

How do you see the rains for North Gujarat through the next weeks ahead till emd July ?


Konkani Don said...

Sir,Konkan got excess rainfall so far despite monsoon so far has been weak for the country as whole.

What is your opinion on Konkan coast especially Ratnagiri to North Goa getting more rainfall than long term average in the recent years?
Is it temporary or climate change?

sset said...

vagaries on spot!
Navi Mumbai non stop rains since morning - looks like dump of 100mm !

sset said...

Definitely Konkan is receiving more and more rains from SWM every passing year. As layman we observe
(a)India wettest spot is from Konkan (11000-12000 mm) SWM rain. Decades back places used to be from coastal KAR but now they are nowhere (decreasing rain every passing year)

(b) Take for example Mumbai city in Konkan - classic text book annual average is 2500mm but every year Mumbai Konkan receives torrential rains and annual rains are almost 3500-4500mm (twice decades back rains) !

(c)SWM period is now extended from June-Sept it has become May-Nov !

(d)Konkan since last 3-4 years is regularly experiencing strange phenomenon of cyclone in month of May or Early June -dumping extra 500mm !

  23rd Morning: