Sunday, April 23, 2023

Next week 24th -27th April:..No Major Heat Wave..Normal Temperatures.

Mumbai: 24th - 27th:Partly cloudy weather, 

Temperatures around 33/34c, but with high humidity making it sweaty and uncomfortable .Real feel around 37c.  

Eastern townships (Navi Mumbai, Panvel, Karjat) will be around 40c, with Light thundershowers expected on 25th-27th. 

Pune can expect thundershowers on 25th-27th. days around 36/37c.

Sambhajinagar ( Aurangabad) can expect thundershowers on 25th-27th.

Vidharbh can expect squally winds and hail.

Rain Thundershowers with hail expected in Marathwada and Madhya Maharashtra on 25th-27th. 

Gujarat remaining dry. Gujarat region & Saurashtra may see days around 40c, Kutch also around 40/41c.

Saurashtra: Few localised Thundershowers could pop up.

The week 24th-27th: Rain/Thundershowers with hail expected in Chattisgarh, Vidharbh, and Telengana .

Delhi after some showers on Monday 24th, expected to be dry, but temperatures rising to touch 40c by 26th.



NilaY Wankawala said...

credit australian government Bureau of metereology

Issued Wednesday 26 April 2023

The latest Climate Driver Update and Climate Model Summary are now available on our website.

Tropical Pacific continues to warm

The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently neutral (neither La Niña nor El Niño). Oceanic and atmospheric indicators for the tropical Pacific Ocean are at neutral ENSO levels. However, there are signs El Niño may form during winter. Therefore, the ENSO Outlook is at El Niño WATCH. This means there is approximately a 50% chance of El Niño in 2023.

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is neutral. All models suggest that a positive IOD event may develop in the coming months. A positive IOD can supress winter and spring rainfall over much of Australia, potentially exacerbating the drying effect of El Niño. Long-range forecasts of IOD made in autumn have lower accuracy than those made at other times of the year.

The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is expected to weaken in the coming days before possibly strengthening over the Maritime Continent in early May. By May, the MJO has little to no significant influence on the rainfall patterns across northern Australia.

More information

Media liaison (03) 9669 4057
Technical enquiries
Next update expected by 9 May 2023

Prasad said...

No rain 🌧️🌧️☔☔ in Pune.

  Posted 18th Afternoon: Mumbai : Much hear say about rains increasing, cyclones coming in end of September ! Vagaries ' outlook for  18...