Friday, August 11, 2017

Posted 11th August Night:

The Monsoon axis runs very close to the Himalayan Foothills. Hence, very heavy rainfall is expected in Eastern Nepal, Sikkim and Sub Himalayan West Bengal. Heavy rains likely at few places in East U.P, Bihar and Jharkhand.
Expecting the next low in the Bay around 18/19th of August.

Saturday: The break monsoon conditions will be felt as the day temperature records 32c. Partly cloudy skies with a few passing showers. Not much accumulation of rain above 7-10 mms.
Sunday: Partly cloudy with thunder cells developing in the eastern sky. A sharp shower possible in some parts of city by afternoon or evening. Some heavy showers in many areas of city. 20-30 mms possible.
Eastern Outer township also can get the singular thunder cell precipitating rains, maybe heavy.
Monday: Cloudy skies with few showers. Again, thundery developments possible in East. Upto 15-20 mms rain possible.

Not much rains and a Warm Weekend for Delhi NCR, with the day touching 37c possibly.
Kolkata: Estimate till Monday: Heavy showers expected in parts of city on Saturday.

Monsoon Contest: As explained earlier, there was a tie (Equal Scores).
The Super 6 are - Salil Kawli , Ronnie , Navdeep Dahiya , Shitij , Ankit Patel and  Vinod Desai 

Hence, a tie breaker is organised between the above 6 contestants only, for the final result  to emerge ..

All the contestants except Ankit Patel has filled and submitted their "Tie Breaker" Entries.

Hence Ankit has forfeited his entry.


Vijith Menon said...

Rajesh sir - when will heavy rains return to mumbai and its surrounding areas?
The dry spell has created drought in marathwada etc
Eagerly waiting for your reply

Vinod Desai said...

Some good intermediate showers are being observed since last 3 days here in goregaon-malad. Looks like intensity of rain is going to increase now.

Neeraj said...

Severe flooding in the southern plains of Nepal.

Rajesh said...

Vijith: As i said, expecting a Bay Low around 18th...some improvement for Mah from the system seems likely.

Vijith Menon said...

Thanks Sir for the update - Hope this system will wipe out deficit and have sustained rainfall.

Abizer kachwala said...

Rajesh sir,nice to see you back.....sir what is the weather forecast for nagothane -roha region for next few days?

Rajesh said...

Abizer: Thanks. I estimate some occasional showers for your region in the next few days. Possible heavy shower on Monday, meaning a bit more on Monday.

NilaY Wankawala said...

Space lightning indeed enlightening readers ..... sir readers of the blog missed u for a long period.

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